posted ago by naahbruh ago by naahbruh +18 / -0

I think I was on about 7 meetings today and every. single. one. of those meetings it was a guarantee someone was going to bring up Russia and Ukraine. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because I listen to these people talk and it's like, 2 weeks ago you could literally just replace "Russia/Ukraine" with "Covid/Vaccine" and it'd essentially be the same message. I feel pretty much on an island save for a guy I work with in security who understands that the bigger attacks we typically receive on a daily basis is Norko and Chyna. Then I go on LinkedIn to find a new job and every second post is some bullshit photo op of a model holding an airsoft gun "fighting for her country" and people changing their profile pics to blue and yellow flags. I just don't understand where we became so fragile and susceptible to suggestion. At this point my latest theory is that the isolation from the plandemic has created a more suggestible hive mind because work and social media is pretty much people's form of validation so you go with the herd. It makes it easier to feel included when you're saying the same thing everyone else is saying.

I appreciate what's gone on in the last two years, it's opened my eyes to the ridiculousness of people and helped weed out the people I should and shouldn't keep in my life. However, I am constantly finding myself surprised at how people can find a level of stupid and then leap past it into the next realm of retard so effortlessly.