Big red pill on energy. Nuclear is the only viable answer to replacing fossil fuels. Solar and wind are hippy fairy tales that are unreliable and enormously harmful to the environment. The scale of wind turbines and solar farms needed to supplant coal and natgas grid electricity is an unrealistic, unsustainable, and unaffordable road to nowhere. The negative public perception attached to nuclear energy stems from fears of reactor meltdown as a result of failure to maintain the constant flow of water coolant that must be kept at extremely high pressures. Pressurized water reactors (by far the most common reactor design deployed in the world) are the result of 70 year old technology. There are dozens of newer, safer reactor designs including types such as the Molten Salt Reactor which does not use water as a coolant, does not require extreme pressures, and has inherent safety. Combined with the Thorium fuel cycle, an element which is vastly more abundant than Uranium throughout the Earth's crust, would provide us with cheap, safe energy for thousands of years. I don't like the idea of buying yet something else from China, but China (and India, and others) are actively developing MSR technology which we demonstrated in the 1960s at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory but promptly abandoned, chiefly due to the ignorance of politicians. We should hope China is successful. Imagine a world where fossil fuels are no longer the principle factor in dictating national economic security for all nations.
Big red pill on energy. Nuclear is the only viable answer to replacing fossil fuels. Solar and wind are hippy fairy tales that are unreliable and enormously harmful to the environment. The scale of wind turbines and solar farms needed to supplant coal and natgas grid electricity is an unrealistic, unsustainable, and unaffordable road to nowhere. The negative public perception attached to nuclear energy stems from fears of reactor meltdown as a result of failure to maintain the constant flow of water coolant that must be kept at extremely high pressures. Pressurized water reactors (by far the most common reactor design deployed in the world) are the result of 70 year old technology. There are dozens of newer, safer reactor designs including types such as the Molten Salt Reactor which does not use water as a coolant, does not require extreme pressures, and has inherent safety. Combined with the Thorium fuel cycle, an element which is vastly more abundant than Uranium throughout the Earth's crust, would provide us with cheap, safe energy for thousands of years. I don't like the idea of buying yet something else from China, but China (and India, and others) are actively developing MSR technology which we demonstrated in the 1960s at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory but promptly abandoned, chiefly due to the ignorance of politicians. We should hope China is successful. Imagine a world where fossil fuels are no longer the principle factor in dictating national economic security for all nations.
Thorium....thorium is where it's at