Abp. Viganò: Globalists have fomented war in Ukraine to establish the tyranny of the New World Order
“In the Russian-Ukrainian crisis,” the Archbishop writes, “we must clearly recognize and denounce the coup d’état of the deep state worldwide, which has worked to install the New World Order, involving the WEF, NATO, UN, the European Union, the IMF…”
I could not agree more with his Excellency, that this is indeed a geo-critical moment and that this discussion must move beyond the realm of Fox News and CNN if we are to bring anything constructive to the de-escalation of this crisis.
If this issue is not addressed with integrity and objectivity, Viganò cautions, “there is a real risk that the Biden Administration will take advantage of this crisis, of which Joe Biden himself is an accomplice and responsible.”
“There is also a real risk,” His Excellency continues, “that this crisis will serve to cover up Biden’s crimes, those of his son Hunter, the China virus pseudo-pandemic, the Durham investigation, the 2020 electoral fraud, as well as jeopardizing the mid-term elections in the United States.”
As the world finds itself on the brink of World War III—a war orchestrated by a globalist cabal and headed up by the likes of Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Team Biden—I urge readers to prayerfully reflect on this message from His Excellency. “The Truth,” Viganò reminds us, “is the foundation of justice and peace.” Let us all, therefore, ask God to help us find and defend the light of that truth in this moment of Luciferian darkness.
Once again I find myself in agreement with Vigano.
So here's an interesting little statistic I saw on the local "news" last night... in itself it could be disinformation or a faulty poll. But for argument's sake, let's assume it's a valid poll.
People were asked if they supported Ukraine, even if it meant the price of gasoline went up in price. According to that poll (again, if we can trust it), 87% of people polled said YES. Only 7% said NO. And the rest were UNDECIDED.
So it would appear that the propaganda saturation has penetrated up to 87% of the American public. No one is interested in the truth, they're interested in FEELZ and conforming to the acceptable narrative.