I don't know if Putin is a good person or bad. what I do know is that propaganda is a verry effective tool and when done right the person who is targeted has no idea that their opinion is inaccurate....I and most of us on here are so far down on the political food chain we have no idea how much of what we belive is propaganda. my personnel belief is that Putin is a world leader trying to do right by his country. I refuse the belief that he is a comic book Vilan best compared to Hitler. this does not mean he is incapable of some vile and evil acts. he was KGB before he took over. what he thinks as good thing to do for his country runs counter to USA concerns and is a partial reason for the conflict.... My belief is that biological weapons with a targeted genetic code is the main reason for what's happening in the Ukraine. but I reserve the right to be wrong in my assessment.
I read tonight an assertion that Putin was part of a secret group within the Russian Orthodox Church. This may well be true ...as photographic evidence (in the past) showed a close connection with (ROC) Priests, growing up. Then we have his Anti-WEF speech at the WEF in 2021.
Very careful and well thought out comments. I too often go against the grain and am chastised here, but the truth is globalist plans are still moving forward and I haven’t seen a single ‘deep setback’ against them that proves beyond a doubt to me that this isn’t all still going to plan for them. You are spot on the propaganda and showmanship is so deep that anything is possible and nobody here on this site can be certain they are correct.
Q said the 2016 election was fixed… but more people voted for Hillary so she must be good. See how your line of thinking is a logical fallacy?
I don’t like him using barcodes for covid IDs. Stop it with the shilling. They are “passionately” against Putin in the same way Karl Marx was “passionately” against the bourgeoisie.
Perhaps, you should look up the term "controlled opposition" before making such claims.
Whether Putin is or not, I'm not sure, but your title is pretty stupid.
I don't know if Putin is a good person or bad. what I do know is that propaganda is a verry effective tool and when done right the person who is targeted has no idea that their opinion is inaccurate....I and most of us on here are so far down on the political food chain we have no idea how much of what we belive is propaganda. my personnel belief is that Putin is a world leader trying to do right by his country. I refuse the belief that he is a comic book Vilan best compared to Hitler. this does not mean he is incapable of some vile and evil acts. he was KGB before he took over. what he thinks as good thing to do for his country runs counter to USA concerns and is a partial reason for the conflict.... My belief is that biological weapons with a targeted genetic code is the main reason for what's happening in the Ukraine. but I reserve the right to be wrong in my assessment.
I read tonight an assertion that Putin was part of a secret group within the Russian Orthodox Church. This may well be true ...as photographic evidence (in the past) showed a close connection with (ROC) Priests, growing up. Then we have his Anti-WEF speech at the WEF in 2021.
I hope that you are right in that he is doing the right thing for his country.
However, saying that he is good simply based on the appearance or suggestion that cabal is aligning against him is idiotic and short-sighted.
Very careful and well thought out comments. I too often go against the grain and am chastised here, but the truth is globalist plans are still moving forward and I haven’t seen a single ‘deep setback’ against them that proves beyond a doubt to me that this isn’t all still going to plan for them. You are spot on the propaganda and showmanship is so deep that anything is possible and nobody here on this site can be certain they are correct.
His title is not wrong. The known cabal members are passionately lined up against Putin.
Q said the 2016 election was fixed… but more people voted for Hillary so she must be good. See how your line of thinking is a logical fallacy?
I don’t like him using barcodes for covid IDs. Stop it with the shilling. They are “passionately” against Putin in the same way Karl Marx was “passionately” against the bourgeoisie.