The man holding that flag had to of been 75 years old. I couldn't believe he was holding onto that flag as windy as it was. To make him even more of a badass he was on one of those electric two wheeler things running around at the parking lot flying that flag.
Wow thats awesome! Should be considered one of those "greatest pics of the time" type pics.
The man holding that flag had to of been 75 years old. I couldn't believe he was holding onto that flag as windy as it was. To make him even more of a badass he was on one of those electric two wheeler things running around at the parking lot flying that flag.
Gotta love American badass semis
Two giant stacks or GTFO
Stunning photo! Maybe you can send it to President Trump?
That’s an awesome looking truck!!!
That’s awesome. You should send that to il Donaldo on Twitter. I’m convinced il donaldo is trump in disguise
That photo is beautiful and iconic.