I say it's a great time for these 42 GOP and Mitch to saddle up and get their asses over to Ukraine with their rifles, and they can take all their children/relatives with them. This should be put into law, all politicians who want war or vote for it, are to be on the front lines with their of age children.
I say it's a great time for these 42 GOP and Mitch to saddle up and get their asses over to Ukraine with their rifles, and they can take all their children/relatives with them. This should be put into law, all politicians who want war or vote for it, are to be on the front lines with their of age children.
Mitch "China's Bitch" McConnell is too busy standing in line at China's ATM with his wallet open....
...you can't fire a weapon and count money at the same time...
...doggy winks....