It was Chyna all along ! Chyna, Ukraine! Trump knew, and he was telling us a long while ago! It now seems that Ukraine may be the KEYSTONE we have been looking for ! Deep State and the Khazars hub of operations for money laundering and much more seems to be rooted in Ukraine!

I don't get it, I really don't. Why are we speculating this? I understand the bioweapon ordeal, but why is it he actually meant this? leaves me baffled
Yeah it's quite a stretch
And they downvote you for the truth.
Read just above
X22 has begun to chat about the possibility of the virus originating in Ukraine and then being transported to China. To me it would make perfect sense. They wouldn’t want to out one of their primary Hubs of bio labs! So transport it elsewhere. BTW, he and Cliff High indicate there’s 336 bio labs in 30 countries, including Taiwan which may be up next ! I posted links to Cliff High Posts in this thread
Occam's razor : "don't multiply the agents in a theory beyond what's necessary."
The simplest version would be to produce it in ukraine and say that it originates from China. Transportation would be too risky for them.
X22 repeats much of the stuff he reads here and other places.
Hellooooo... remember there is no contagious virus...just as Dr David Martin said poisoned tissue we have been deceived into thinking was a contagious virus. Viruses have never been isolated ....ie.... put under a slide and identified cos impossible to do that. All there has been as head of Pfizer confessed was a computer code. And BBC programs uk said they got a computer code from Wuhan. No one ever has isolated any virus...smallpox measles polio Spanish flu the flu swine flu aids hiv ebola etc. It's all a gigantic money making scam and a depopulation tool in one .
But why would trump be cryptic and only say “chyna,” while never once mentioning Ukraine and always specifically blaming Xi and Wuhan?