Heavenly Father we love you so much. Thank you for the gift of life, the beauty of friendship, and the light that is your son, our savior, Jesus Christ. You constantly pour your love out on us even though we dont deserve it. You are always there for us to turn to even during our darkest most sinful moments. Father please forgive us for our sin, let the blood of Jesus Christ wash them away and make us into new better children, that can be used for your glory. Thank you for this site. It is such a huge blessing to so many of us during this storm. Help us to remain loving and humble so we may be used to guide others out of the storm into this beautiful ark that you have created. Guide our words and actions so we may be a beacon of light for others during the darkness. Increase our faith so we may continue on along the perfect path that you have laid out before us. Show each of us how we can improve each and every day, show us how we may help others step onto this ark so they dont get washed away by the storm of evil. Protect and lift up those that are here so we may come together as one body that you may use for your glory. Father please cast out any evil that may be present across all of scored. Cleanse it and let it stregthen your children of light so we may remain mission bound and full of hope for a better tomorrow. Keep us pure of heart, humble, and full of truth at all times. If one of us falls, allow others to step up and gracefully pick them up by guiding their heart back to Jesus Christ. Please bless the prayer Garden network and use it in a mighty way. Send us new people that can help build it up and support it both spiritually and financially, so it may become a tool that u use for your divine plan. Keep me humble so I may lead how you need me to at alll times. If I stumble, send someone to gently correct me so I may always be aligned with your will. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen
Please join us at 8pm eastern DAILY for 1 min of prayer
This thread is for anyone needing prayer wanting to say a prayer or just want a friend
PRAYER WARRIORS AND CHILDREN OF LIGHT: We have created a server on Guilded.gg to unite prayer warriors and grow together thru Christ with prayer and fellowship. All that want love and light are welcome. Hope to see u there. https://www.guilded.gg/r/zzMlvAGQYR?i=dVBr5RRd
We are now on Telegram check us out: https://t.me/+_KI9eLV6jvwzZGNh
Lord, I admit I am a sinner. I need and want Your forgiveness. I accept Your death as the penalty for my sin, and recognize that Your mercy and grace is a gift You offer to me because of Your great love, not based on anything I have done. Cleanse me and make me Your child. By faith I receive You into my heart as the Son of God and as Savior and Lord of my life. From now on, help me live for You, with You in control. In Your precious name, Amen
Amen. Beautiful prayer l really loved this one. Keep praying keep turning to him. We are in this together. I am here if u ever need prayer or a fren to vent to. Much love