If we define "cull" as "remove immediately from the country, no excuses" I'd agree.
We have a country not based on ethnicity or religion, but uniquely, on the precept of equality under the law we make for ourselves. That concept is what makes America what it is. The People said foreign nationals coming into the country without permission is illegal. Then, it's illegal. If you want to come into this country, you have to follow the law. Simple. Prove you understand how the system works before you can be invited in to stay.
Illegals should be explicitly deported, first in line. I'd let the visa overstays be second priority behind the border jumpers. The longer they've been here, the higher the priority for removal. I don't care if they've been here 30 years and have a whole armada of anchor babies. It's time to go home. Pack it up. If you want to bring the anchors back with you, get them citizenship in your own country. Your child's legal status is your mess to clean up, not ours.
And on top of that, I'd say any border jumpers immediately go to the back of the line if they apply the legal way. They've already demonstrated willingness to break our laws and abuse our system for personal benefit. We've got millions of applicants all over the world who didn't break the law to come in. They get consideration before I'd consider a previously deported illegal.
Don't forget the criminals who got deported from Britain and the tribals imported from Africa.
And the illegals from the south, but it's a mixed bag
And imported from Middle East. No-go areas in many European and American cities.
A cleansing is needed. Cull the illegals.
Now I’m on another list.
Fuck it. It had to be said.
If we define "cull" as "remove immediately from the country, no excuses" I'd agree.
We have a country not based on ethnicity or religion, but uniquely, on the precept of equality under the law we make for ourselves. That concept is what makes America what it is. The People said foreign nationals coming into the country without permission is illegal. Then, it's illegal. If you want to come into this country, you have to follow the law. Simple. Prove you understand how the system works before you can be invited in to stay.
Illegals should be explicitly deported, first in line. I'd let the visa overstays be second priority behind the border jumpers. The longer they've been here, the higher the priority for removal. I don't care if they've been here 30 years and have a whole armada of anchor babies. It's time to go home. Pack it up. If you want to bring the anchors back with you, get them citizenship in your own country. Your child's legal status is your mess to clean up, not ours.
And on top of that, I'd say any border jumpers immediately go to the back of the line if they apply the legal way. They've already demonstrated willingness to break our laws and abuse our system for personal benefit. We've got millions of applicants all over the world who didn't break the law to come in. They get consideration before I'd consider a previously deported illegal.