The only things that could pierce all the layers of indoctrination and wake normies out of their stupor have to be extremely drastic, for as long as they got their bread (junk food) and circus (Hollywood and Social Media), it will never happen, or it will have to put Every. Single. Child in immense risk for them to realize the problem (Q said :Crimes against children bring unity across party lines).
Given this, the only things I would say could definetly be a final straw to bring out a massive popular revolt (if Q's plan fail, which I don't think it will) and burn this corrupt government to the ground would be :
-A massive cyberattack shutting down all TV signals and either disabling the entire mobile/ fiber optic internet infrastructure or shutting down Silicon Valley's main platforms and barring their cloud services. This could either be used by patriots to trigger LOUDVOICE and the EAS to disclose the truth, or for the DS to blame it on Russia and push World War like mad, depending on who's in control.
-The deployment of nuclear or chemical weapons in our biggest population centers,as a push to force us into world war 3. Should this FF happen, expect a media frenzy that would make their slander of Trump's admin seem like ass-kissing, boot-licking flattery in comparison. It will be destruction and death in numbers and proportions never seen in mankind's existance on this world.
-The only thing worse than this I can imagine, and one that would certainly burn this country to ashes, would be if a packed SCOTUS and a stolen democrat legislature countered the realease of compromising material exposing the pedophiles in seats of power by drastically lowering the age of consent federally and legalizing pedophilia (with one of their stupid caveats like """""consent""" and """""no physical harm done"""", which would open the door to extremely rampant exploitation of children and not only legal pushes to make child pornography """"""mainstream""""" pornography, but to turn it into their demonic """""art"""" or a "product" for the masses to consume and imitate (like their music, shows and movies have been doing for decades now ) , the same way the current pornography lies and distorts everything that's good about sex and human sexuality, but a billion times worse.
I don't know about you, but if this third item gets so much as vented on mainstream media and legislatures, I say fuck waiting, fuck patience, fuck holding the fucking line. Grab anything sharp, blunt or loaded you can get your hands on and do justice at any and all costs.
Then again, I pray with all I got that it nevers come to this, that the patriots are in control and scripted all these events, that truth and goodness will prevail, and that we will see justice, prosperity and freedom in our lifetimes.
Mens sana in corpus sanum. Eyes wide open. Godspeed, frens.
This and other things make me think we are very near the tipping point of some major social upheaval. Let's hope that this storm arrives and purifies this world from all evil.
That would change the playing field.