These guys are pure evil. They have no problem with killing anyone. This story came out a couple days ago where Russian soldiers were evacuating Mariupol and at the corridor checking every person. They noticed a family, parents and two children in the back, where the kids looked like they were freaked out and sobbing. They pulled the parents aside to "check documents" and asked the children, who said those weren't their parents. They killed their parents right in front of them and told them to be quiet so they could escape using the children as cover.
Another woman from Mariupol in an interview today said they would terrorize them in the basements by saying if they want to leave they can leave and then start shooting at people when they were walking away.
A military official from DNR was asked what are some atrocities he's seen committed by the Azov and he said he can't even mention the things he's seen that come to mind on air.
These guys are pure evil. They have no problem with killing anyone. This story came out a couple days ago where Russian soldiers were evacuating Mariupol and at the corridor checking every person. They noticed a family, parents and two children in the back, where the kids looked like they were freaked out and sobbing. They pulled the parents aside to "check documents" and asked the children, who said those weren't their parents. They killed their parents right in front of them and told them to be quiet so they could escape using the children as cover.
Another woman from Mariupol in an interview today said they would terrorize them in the basements by saying if they want to leave they can leave and then start shooting at people when they were walking away. A military official from DNR was asked what are some atrocities he's seen committed by the Azov and he said he can't even mention the things he's seen that come to mind on air.