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Ukraine-Russia: A Proxy-War, Advancing the Agenda of the Great Reset? By Peter Koenig Global Research, March 23, 2022


After almost four decades of a Cold War from the mid-1950s to 1991, and another 2 decades of Cold War 2.0, since the beginning of the year 2000, when Mr. Putin took over the Presidency of Russia, the US via NATO, and with her European vassals, are now engaged in a hot war with Russia, using Ukraine as a proxy.

This was done very cleverly.

Since the US-instigated WWI in June 1914, Washington’s interest was to subjugate the then Russian empire, and later the Soviet Union and now Russia. This objective holds until today. The principal goal was and is to take over this huge country, the resource-richest nation in the world, a position Russia arguably still holds today.

Washington’s pretexts are many. With the onset of the Soviet Revolution, they say, communism was a danger to the world and especially to the United States. “National Security” is always a smart argument – and it sells well, since every country supposedly thinks “national security” as a first priority.

In the last two decades, the US-driven antagonism against Russia, closely followed by Europe, was mostly directed against one man, namely Russia’s leader, President Putin. It’s always easier to demonize a person than an entire country. That’s what Washington’s Inner Circle does best.

Mr. Putin’s aim was and is to restore Russia as a secure and self-sufficient society, while maintaining relations, but not dependent on the west. Self-sufficiency to the extent possible and security is what every leader should see as a priority for his country.

Mr. Putin, a former high-level KGB official, knows very well what’s going on in the political minds of the western hegemon.

When Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the former Soviet Union (USSR), capitulated in 1991, he requested from the western allies a promise that they will NOT expand NATO beyond Berlin, as a condition for allowing unifying East and West Germany.

Image left: Gorbachev with Reagan

This was confirmed by then US Secretary of State James Baker, with the now famous words,

“NATO will not move an inch beyond Berlin”.

Documents to that extent are available in the Berlin War Museum.
