I had just stumbled upon something after seeing a YouTube video for the newer suicide squad movie. They had something in there called project starfish that was supposed to be a part of the bad guys plans. Out of curiosity I decided to Google that and what do you know it ended up leading to a organization called project starfish which is supposed to combat child sex trafficking. One of the sponsors was the McCain institution and another one that had logos with pedophile symbols.
I had just stumbled upon something after seeing a YouTube video for the newer suicide squad movie. They had something in there called project starfish that was supposed to be a part of the bad guys plans. Out of curiosity I decided to Google that and what do you know it ended up leading to a organization called project starfish which is supposed to combat child sex trafficking. One of the sponsors was the McCain institution and another one that had logos with pedophile symbols.
https://starfishproject.com/ https://www.pstarfish.org https://www.mccaininstitute.org/resources/reports/project-starfish/