Beware, Minneapolis. This is one of the ways that Muslims drive out non-Muslims (as u/GranniePaine has said, above).
This is a population replacement technique. This wretched 'call to prayer' is part of the way Muslims demand conformity of
other Muslims. This is a form of Islamic psychological control. This is part of the way Muslims "claim" the territory they have
invaded. And Muslims are ALWAYS invaders, no matter who/where grants them refuge. And, if you didn't know, the 'call to
prayer' is a HUGE red-flag.
We could have talked about this long ago, but how do you fight back against Islamic 'violations' while - until as a last
resort - withholding kinetic violence?
Start with prayer; ALWAYS start with prayer
Remember, there is NO 'co-existence' with Islam
remember that Islam is very much like the mafia and their methods and secretiveness are similar
Find like-minded people that want to reclaim Minneapolis for Christ our Lord and grow this group continually
Prepare to defend your homes and loved ones, no matter when; no matter where and TRAIN
Raise money, LOTS of money for legal backing and campaign funding
Even avoiding violence, realize this is 'war' (for ALL the marbles) and will be a long-term and resource intensive campaign (remembering that Muslims are patient and well funded)
At every meeting and gathering in which you have a voice, insist on the Pledge of Allegiance and Christian prayer (especially including the Name of Lord Jesus)
Join together in the US National Anthem at every public event (don't wait for someone to offer)
Play recordings of the US National Anthem (or any song or hymn you love) - especially in your home or vehicle - whenever you hear the Islamic 'call to prayer'
Identify and remove any elected/appointed officials who show signs of corruption
Remove especially the Islamic sympathizers from power and publicly identify their supporters
Boycott Muslim businesses, defund their sympathizers and publicly identify their supporters
Did I mention prayer?
Support and elect officials that will not give an inch to "inclusiveness" and who insist on the constitutions of the USA and Minnesota
In every way and in every place, publicly declare and defend Minneapolis to be a "Shariah Free Zone"
Erect Christian crosses on private property EVERYWHERE in the city of Minneapolis and Hennepen county - especially near mosques and other places of Muslim gatherings - and be ready to quickly repair/replace when vandals strike
Buy advertising space declaring "Jesus Christ is GOD!"; billboards, print, radio, TV and internet
Buy advertising space declaring "JESUS CHRIST is LORD OVER MINNEAPOLIS!"; billboards, print, radio, TV and internet
don't forget to pray
Buy advertising space declaring "Jesus Loves even Muslims!"
Welcome Muslims to Christian services of worship - where possible, help Muslims escape from the death-cult of Islam
(Seriously, many Muslims are trying to ESCAPE from Islam and ex-Muslims can help in this effort; Muslims are leaving Islam by the hundreds - every day - all over the world)
Like an election campaign, post LARGE pictures of Jesus in yards and on billboards - EVERYWHERE - especially near mosques, near Muslim businesses and other places of Muslim gatherings; be ready to quickly repair/replace those pictures when vandals strike
did I mention prayer?
ring Church Bells for ANY reason or for no reason at all, city-wide and county-wide
be assured that Muslims are watching you - their spies are everywhere (even on this forum) so, make sure you know who Muslims are and keep eyes ON
Beware, Minneapolis. This is one of the ways that Muslims drive out non-Muslims (as u/GranniePaine has said, above). This is a population replacement technique. This wretched 'call to prayer' is part of the way Muslims demand conformity of other Muslims. This is a form of Islamic psychological control. This is part of the way Muslims "claim" the territory they have invaded. And Muslims are ALWAYS invaders, no matter who/where grants them refuge. And, if you didn't know, the 'call to prayer' is a HUGE red-flag.
We could have talked about this long ago, but how do you fight back against Islamic 'violations' while - until as a last resort - withholding kinetic violence?
Start with prayer; ALWAYS start with prayer
Remember, there is NO 'co-existence' with Islam
remember that Islam is very much like the mafia and their methods and secretiveness are similar
Find like-minded people that want to reclaim Minneapolis for Christ our Lord and grow this group continually
Prepare to defend your homes and loved ones, no matter when; no matter where and TRAIN
Raise money, LOTS of money for legal backing and campaign funding
Even avoiding violence, realize this is 'war' (for ALL the marbles) and will be a long-term and resource intensive campaign (remembering that Muslims are patient and well funded)
At every meeting and gathering in which you have a voice, insist on the Pledge of Allegiance and Christian prayer (especially including the Name of Lord Jesus)
Join together in the US National Anthem at every public event (don't wait for someone to offer)
Play recordings of the US National Anthem (or any song or hymn you love) - especially in your home or vehicle - whenever you hear the Islamic 'call to prayer'
Identify and remove any elected/appointed officials who show signs of corruption
Remove especially the Islamic sympathizers from power and publicly identify their supporters
Boycott Muslim businesses, defund their sympathizers and publicly identify their supporters
Did I mention prayer?
Support and elect officials that will not give an inch to "inclusiveness" and who insist on the constitutions of the USA and Minnesota
In every way and in every place, publicly declare and defend Minneapolis to be a "Shariah Free Zone"
Erect Christian crosses on private property EVERYWHERE in the city of Minneapolis and Hennepen county - especially near mosques and other places of Muslim gatherings - and be ready to quickly repair/replace when vandals strike
Buy advertising space declaring "Jesus Christ is GOD!"; billboards, print, radio, TV and internet
Buy advertising space declaring "JESUS CHRIST is LORD OVER MINNEAPOLIS!"; billboards, print, radio, TV and internet
don't forget to pray
Buy advertising space declaring "Jesus Loves even Muslims!"
Welcome Muslims to Christian services of worship - where possible, help Muslims escape from the death-cult of Islam
(Seriously, many Muslims are trying to ESCAPE from Islam and ex-Muslims can help in this effort; Muslims are leaving Islam by the hundreds - every day - all over the world)
Like an election campaign, post LARGE pictures of Jesus in yards and on billboards - EVERYWHERE - especially near mosques, near Muslim businesses and other places of Muslim gatherings; be ready to quickly repair/replace those pictures when vandals strike
did I mention prayer?
ring Church Bells for ANY reason or for no reason at all, city-wide and county-wide
be assured that Muslims are watching you - their spies are everywhere (even on this forum) so, make sure you know who Muslims are and keep eyes ON
and, like the Bible tells us: STAY IN PRAYER
somebody upvote this guy