Its a beautiful state my whole life has been here. However its been hell trying to find a hospital that hires non vaxed. Been out lf work for almost 7 months now. Un able to work, fired from another. Looking into Florida but significant other of scared of the hurricanes. Deffinatly wouldn't miss the CA bullshit, and would vote hard conservatives in Florida.
Its a beautiful state my whole life has been here. However its been hell trying to find a hospital that hires non vaxed. Been out lf work for almost 7 months now. Un able to work, fired from another. Looking into Florida but significant other of scared of the hurricanes. Deffinatly wouldn't miss the CA bullshit, and would vote hard conservatives in Florida.
Remember to inform and bully any Left leaning coworkers in your new home.
Not bully but deffinatly try to redpill and tell them all the bad of CA. Nice picture btw. Reminds me of a skeet shooting place south of San Jose.
True. It's better to use honey than vinegar. 'If they only knew how good it could be'.
There will always be a small percent where removing yourself or them is the only sane solution. Luckily, those are the few.