People are all different with their own biases, and hearts and minds change. I’ve found myself on both sides of this subject, depending on circumstances. Calling someone wrong for their opinion is no different from calling someone wrong for getting the vax. Trying to coddle the delicate vaxers who refuse to consider the overwhelming evidence is not helpful. We are in a battle for our very existence, after almost 2 years, anyone still taking or supporting the vax are in direct opposition to humanity’s survival. If some feelings get hurt along the way, so be it. You can lead a horse to drink, but you cant make him water.
People are all different with their own biases, and hearts and minds change. I’ve found myself on both sides of this subject, depending on circumstances. Calling someone wrong for their opinion is no different from calling someone wrong for getting the vax. Trying to coddle the delicate vaxers who refuse to consider the overwhelming evidence is not helpful. We are in a battle for our very existence, after almost 2 years, anyone still taking or supporting the vax are in direct opposition to humanity’s survival. If some feelings get hurt along the way, so be it. You can lead a horse to drink, but you cant make him water.