"INDIVIDUALLY, it is the flesh, the old Adamic nature, that leads us into captivity. It is the beast of the carnal nature that makes war with the saints and overcomes them. It is the bestial nature of the natural man that is given power over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. Furthermore, he that killed us, or that which brought death to us, now must be slain in us. The natural man, and the spirit of the world generated from that man, is the one who leads us into captivity and slays our spiritual life. The natural man is the one who is being brought to death. There are two swords — the sword by which the beast makes war against the saints, which is the word of the beast, his mouth speaking great things and blasphemies — and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God, the sharp two-edged sword which comes from the mouth of God’s Christ, Head and body. The beast is slain by the sword of the spirit, and the spirit of the world is brought into captivity by the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. That is the mystery."
Larger study in the link:
"The opposition even went so far as to crucify the King, the Prince of Peace. But that seeming defeat for Christ’s cause was a signal victory, for on the third day the crucified One arose from the tomb to a higher and more glorious dimension of life in the power of resurrection, thus breaking the sway of death and delivering all who were in bondage from its clutches. Because He arose, so shall every son of Adam arise! Because He conquered sin, sorrow, death, and hell, ultimately every man shall receive the blessing and benefit of that triumph! “The hour is coming, in the which ALL that are in the graves shall hear His voice and shall come forth” (Jn. 5:28-29). The whole creation is awaiting the ultimate triumph of this victory! Truly, “All creation is yearning, longing to see the manifestation of God’s sons. For the creation was made subject to futility, not of its own choice, but by the will of him who so subjected it; yet with the hope that at last the creation itself would be set free from the thralldom of decay to enjoy the liberty that comes with the glory of the children of God” (Rom. 8:19-20)."
"When we begin to see truth as revealed by the Spirit of Truth it is so dramatically different from what we have been taught that sometimes our first response is to think it is a heresy, a lie. The preaching of concepts like the rapture, seven-year tribulation, superman antichrist, one-world government, rebuilt Jewish temple, eternal hell and damnation, etc., has had such impact upon the Lord’s people that they actually think those things are true. And I can tell you unequivocally that such teachings scripturally have not a leg to stand on! I know that the vast majority of those reading these lines have long ago been delivered from such delusions, but there is a whole church-world out there that still subscribes to those doctrines of men. Christians have heard such a drum-beat of teachings about the wrath and judgment of God being poured out upon sinners and upon the whole world, that when one begins to share with them the glad tidings of God’s gracious redemptive and restorative plan for all mankind it’s just too foreign for their minds to grasp."
"If at any time we accept an “instead of” rather than HIS WORD AND WILL AND LIFE WORKING WITHIN US, we have embraced that which is “antichrist.” It is not merely that which is in direct opposition to Christ, but also includes anything which of itself might be good, but is used or relied upon instead of the inward life of the Spirit. And, beloved saints, the battle is not so much an outward one, but an inner conflict, until we are so cleansed by His refining fire, so purged of Babylon’s spirit and ways, that Christ in us becomes our only hope of glory! Praise God, the illuminating light of truth and the mighty dealings and processings of God in our lives are removing all these “substitutes” and “counterfeits,” reducing us to the true and only reality found in the living Christ. Aren’t you glad!"
The antichrist denies that Christ is come in the flesh. And the profound truth which all of popular religion has missed, is the fact of the Christ actually coming into this flesh, my flesh, your flesh, and becoming an eternal and inseparable part of us! Referring to the expression “is come” one Greek scholar points out that it is the Greek perfect, which implies not a mere historical fact, as would be the case if another tense were used, but a blessed continuance of the fact and its blessed effects. Hear it! “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ IS (now) COME in the flesh is not of God: and THIS is that spirit of antichrist…YE are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is HE THAT IS I-N Y-O-U, than he that IS IN THE WORLD” (I Jn. 4:3-4). These words reveal to us the great truth that John, when speaking of confessing that Jesus Christ IS COME in the flesh, is referring to His coming in the members of His body on earth — and not in the historical man Jesus who walked the shores of blue Galilee so long ago. Every spirit that confesses not Jesus Christ now coming in flesh is antichrist, for it relies upon something other than the Christ within in the practice of its religion. All the religious self-righteousness, human good works, static creeds, lifeless ceremonies, fleshly organization, methods, and programs — do not all of them deny the Father and the Son, denying the Christ within, by substituting the wisdom and the ability of the flesh for the living word and divine power of the Christ within? Oh, yes!
Where does the 100 million murdered by their governments after being disarmed fit into this ?
It's not a book of physical government, it is a book of spiritual government, the passing of the flesh body will one day be no more, but that is in the future, when this flesh shall put on immortality, that is the Christian hope that we wait patiently for as we engage in the present spiritual warfare. The passing of the physical is not our concern, the pulling down of spiritual strong holds is our concern. That is why the sword of the spirit is The Word of God. Doctrine(words) rules the mind, doctrine(words) run through the mind, our warfare is in the mind, we pull down the false, with the true, words.
Oh ok, Nothing to say about all the people murdered by the government Satanists.
Stand up patriot, fight the physical fight, get involved, that is how the king Jesus Christ shines through you. Jesus isn't doing it on His own, He's doing it with his own, through you, warrior. Revelation is talking about spiritual killing, it kills the coward in you, you learn to stand with the armor of God, and change the world.