It is long and complex, but the creation of the FED started the manipulation. Price is held down through derivatives on the comex. It doesn't actually reflect supply and demand of physical. The US debt clock typically gives an amount of dollars today that Gold and Silver should be worth. Throughout recorded history, silver has traded at a ratio between 8-16 ounces per one ounce of Gold. Currently, we sit at 77/1. Gold is undervalued if it's viewed as a commodity that backs a currency. Silver is super undervalued compared to gold I'm general. For those just getting started, I would buy into silver at a rate of 80-100 ozs per oz of gold you purchase. I use JM bullion because of the veteran discount, but your local coin shop (LCS/LCD) are great places to start too.
Fingers crossed....been stacking since 2008 and its been one hell of a roller coaster...i'm ready for the moon shot.
My body is ready. 🇺🇸
My piles of silver are aging like a fine wine..
Mine too, but I've been waiting for 50 years on some of mine! 50 years!!!! I'll be too old to enjoy spending it soon.
Lol, my oldest stack is maybe 20 yrs, most less than 5.
I can’t understand how they rig prices now.
Guess I’ll transfer my Ira to gold and silver today! If there is any available
It is long and complex, but the creation of the FED started the manipulation. Price is held down through derivatives on the comex. It doesn't actually reflect supply and demand of physical. The US debt clock typically gives an amount of dollars today that Gold and Silver should be worth. Throughout recorded history, silver has traded at a ratio between 8-16 ounces per one ounce of Gold. Currently, we sit at 77/1. Gold is undervalued if it's viewed as a commodity that backs a currency. Silver is super undervalued compared to gold I'm general. For those just getting started, I would buy into silver at a rate of 80-100 ozs per oz of gold you purchase. I use JM bullion because of the veteran discount, but your local coin shop (LCS/LCD) are great places to start too.
Can't wait! Been stacking since 2012!
Hoping for the best to come
I online started stacking in early 2021 but then I remember that I'm still already ahead of 99% of people.