posted ago by ancroidubh ago by ancroidubh +10 / -0

A couple of posts either here or in PW or maybe both has made me start thinking, always a dangerous thing.

There was speculation about a nuclear exchange beginning over Ukraine in one post and the other post was a list of anomalies regarding the events around the inauguration, specifically which aircraft had who on board.

If a nuclear exchange occurs, I hope and pray that whomever has the National Command Authority stands up and starts shooting back.

To that point, the president always has a military attache in attendance carrying a case that contains the communication equipment and ciphers necessary to exercise the nuclear commands, commonly called "the football".

There must be duplicates of this stuff for the devolution of command in emergencies but the backups are not usually seen.

Has anyone seen this "football" in evidence around the pretender or anyone else in the chain of command?

Inquiring minds want to know...