Constant supply of fresh eggs. Waaaay better than store bought. Several breeds yield about 1 egg per chicken per day.
They’re kinda like pets if you choose to look at them that way. They have their own quirks.
Maintenance is next to nothing. Feed is cheap. You can build a simple coop or buy a prebuilt.
Sense of pride and preparedness.
Bartering item if SHTF
They shit EVERYWHERE. (Currently navigating this one)
That’s really it
There are great videos available for breed selection, how to care for them, etc. lots of people have a backyard flock in urban areas.
Lessons learned:
Keep the coop simple and practical, ie easy to clean and gather eggs.
Try to buy from farmer rather than get a straight run or you’ll end up with a ton of roosters (happened to me). Or learn how to sex them. Not extremely difficult if done early. Just sounds weird walking into a store and asking if you can sex their chickens lol. Getting pullets (6mo old hen that’s laying or about to lay) is a good way to ensure you don’t get roosters.
When the time comes to send them to chicken heaven it’s simple and easy. One method is put their neck under rebar, step on the bar on either side of the neck, grab legs and pull. Very quick and very effective. No chance to screw it up.
Let’s do a pros/cons:
There are great videos available for breed selection, how to care for them, etc. lots of people have a backyard flock in urban areas.
Lessons learned:
When the time comes to send them to chicken heaven it’s simple and easy. One method is put their neck under rebar, step on the bar on either side of the neck, grab legs and pull. Very quick and very effective. No chance to screw it up.
tl;dr: do it!
Cons 1. a. Chicken shit makes the best compost and fertilizer. See Pro 3. a. chicken tractors.
Thank you I’ll look into that. Main problem is the porch, they like to look in through the back door
And you know they're reporting your every move to the PIA - Poultry Intelligence Agency. Those feathery rascals.