"What has happened to cause God and the saints to turn from love and pity for the lost, to a feeling that the lost are now getting what they deserve and should suffer the torments of the damned for all eternity? What, I ask, has happened to God and the saints to cause them to love and seek the lost as long as their frail, mortal bodies endure, but to turn from that love for the precious unclothed spirit of the very same man or woman? Can we believe that God, having created all things for His pleasure, having so loved His creation that He freely gave heaven’s most precious gift, after a few paltry years, the brief span of a man’s mortal existence, throws up His hands in futility and disgust, saying that He has done all He can and men would not respond, so He must cease all effort, seat Himself upon His golden throne, and consign His creation to everlasting hell? Yet this is exactly what we are told today! Methinks I detect THE VOICE OF THE DRAGON! The so-called “message of salvation” as preached by the church systems today has the outward appearance of the Lamb of God, but it speaks as the fire-breathing dragon! God is not that fickle, my friend, and God does not give up that easily! In fact, God does not give up! Neither is He defeated in any of His plans and purposes! HE started the whole program of creation, redemption, and restoration, and, blessed be His wonderful name! He will not cease His work until He is Victor — “All in All” throughout all the vastnesses of infinity for evermore!"
Red pill in the whole study:
"Now this leads us to another point of immense importance, and it is another clue in the identification of the false prophet. We often hear it said that “the death of Christ was necessary in order to reconcile God to man.” Now this is a pious stupidity, arising from inattention to the language of the Holy Spirit, and indeed to the plain meaning of the word “reconcile.” God never changed — never stepped out of His normal and true position. He changeth not! He abideth faithful! It was not because of His anger at sin and sinners that He sent Jesus. Oh, no! “For God so LOVED the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.” That, my friend, is the truth! There was, and could be, no derangement, no disappointment, no confusion, no alienation, so far as He was concerned; and hence there could be no need of reconciling Him to us. In fact, it was exactly the contrary. Man had gone astray; he was the enemy, and needed to be reconciled. Hear it! “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son…” (Rom. 5:10). And again, “And you,, who were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath HE reconciled” (Col. 1:21). Wherefore, then, as might be expected, the scriptures never speak of reconciling God to man. Never! There is no such expression to be found within the covers of the New Testament! “God was in Christ reconciling THE WORLD UNTO HIMSELF, not imputing their trespasses unto them.” And again, “All things are of God, who hath reconciled US to Himself by Jesus Christ” (II Cor. 5:18-19). In a word, it is God, in His infinite mercy and grace, through the cross of Christ, bringing us back unto Himself. But that is not what the dragon-voice has to tell us about our God!"
"Let us now notice that even in Babylon God honors His people! God always honors the seeking heart and faith — even in spite of their weakness, failures, immaturity, carnality, and the fleshly system they may be bound in. On far away Patmos John beheld in vision seven golden candlesticks. He also saw in the midst of the candlesticks one like unto the Son of man (Rev. 1:12-13). These are wonderfully significant words! The candlestick realm is the church realm! The One John saw was not seated on a golden throne in heaven, He was not standing in a rainbow before a waterfall, He wasn’t standing on a mountain top, He wasn’t standing before the altar in a great cathedral. Oh, no! He was standing in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks! He is standing in the midst of the churches! Now, we also know that there were serious problems in the seven churches of Asia in the book of Revelation! There was sin, carnality, error, pride, the Jezebel spirit (spiritual harlotry, Babylon), the Nicolaitane spirit (hierarchy, elevation of the clergy, man’s control), the doctrine of Balaam (compromise), lukewarmness, and so on. The Lord admonished and rebuked the churches for these conditions!"
"The limitation of God’s mercy, if it were possible, would be the condemnation of God Himself. If there are limits to His mercy, the Word of God, which says that “His mercy endureth forever (all ages),” is a lie. The limitation of God’s mercy is a trick of the dragon, to discredit God and defeat His gospel. The limitation of God’s mercy makes the disobedience of Adam more powerful and more enduring than the obedience of Christ. I am glad for a gospel that is coextensive with, and greater than, the devil’s work in spirit, soul, and body. I am glad for a gospel that is not limited to one age, or to the threescore-and-ten years of man’s frail existence, but reaches out into the ages to come until GOD IS ALL IN ALL. I am glad for a gospel which tells me that God has made a way by which even His banished may return."
"In the nineteenth chapter of the book of Revelation we find that this same beast is referred to. And there we read, “And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire that burneth with brimstone” (Rev. 19:20). And in Revelation 20:10 we find mention of him once more: “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are.” There is no difficulty in identifying these two, the beast and the false prophet. The beast is obviously the first beast, the one out of the sea; and the false prophet is none other than the second beast, the one out of the earth, having two horns like a lamb, and a voice speaking as a dragon, who deceives them that dwell in the earth-realm. Therefore we understand that the second beast is also called — the false prophet!"
"What is a prophet? We must banish from our minds the popular conception that a prophet is chiefly a person who foretells the future. True, a prophet also foretells the future; but the prophetic ministry is broader than that. A prophet is, according to scripture, one who speaks for someone else. Aaron is called the “prophet” of Moses when they two go together before Pharaoh, and Aaron delivers the message to Pharaoh on behalf of Moses the stutterer. And that is why all the prophets of God have prefaced their prophecies with the phrase, “Thus saith the Lord!” They are men who speak for God, delivering His message to His people, appealing to the minds and hearts of men on behalf of God and His purposes. They teach and speak and reveal the will of God and draw men to embrace that which is the mind of the Lord."
"What a hideous affront it is to the God of our salvation to wickedly accuse Him of needing to give His own Son as a propitiation TO APPEASE HIS OWN WRATH, though this is the inexcusable lie we hear continually from the pulpit and over the air waves! God is portrayed by the preachers as so mad at sin and sinners, so violently angry and beside Himself that He is metaphorically foaming at the mouth with uncontrollable rage which can only be appeased by looking upon the bloody sweat and cruel, ugly death of His Son upon a Roman cross. All sermons and songs that picture God as a God of rage who must be “appeased” like a pagan deity and “soothed” by blood are heathenish and should be piled on a bonfire and burned. Such may appear on the surface to be out of the heart of God, but my ear clearly discerns THE VOICE OF THE DRAGON!"