"Buying and selling in the spiritual sense has naught to do with the business of commercial trade. The prophet Isaiah faithfully exhorted the Lord’s people, “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price” (Isa. 55:1). The prophet made it plain that he was not talking about worldly commerce or physical food, but about paying the price spiritually for the “milk” of God’s Word and the “wine” of His unspeakable joy and abounding Life. The wise man counseled: “Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding” (Prov. 23:23). Literally speaking, we can neither buy nor sell the truth. Yet truth costs! While salvation is the gift of grace, attainment in the kingdom of God has a price tag attached to it. To “buy” the truth, or to “buy” wisdom, instruction, or understanding, means to pay the price to embrace and walk in the truth, and I have learned through many years of experience that the “price” of truth is oft times to simply be willing to “give up” or “sell” an error! Carnal nature must be “given up” or “sold,” exchanged for divine nature! I have also learned that, on another level, the “tuition” in God’s school of experience where one learns wisdom, instruction, and understanding, is sometimes very expensive! To the church at Laodicea, which prided herself that she was rich and increased with goods and had need of nothing, but knew not that she was wretched, poor, blind, and naked, the Lord admonished, “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich” (Rev. 3:18)."
Much more spiritual interpretation in the link:
Enter Bill Gates and Elon Musk.
Isaiah 55 and Revelation 13 have nothing to do with each other. Isaiah 55 deals with God telling ancient Israel to turn from her wickedness and come back to Him. They had just returned to their land from exile in Babylon under the decree from Cyrus, and times were tough.
Revelation 13, on the other hand, refers to the future where the Beast is in charge and requires everyone to receive a mark in order to participate in the economy. It's very similar to these vaccine passports that have been rolled out in certain countries. No vax proof = no work, no by, no sell, etc. I am not saying that the vax passport is the mark of the Beast (it isn't), but it's close.
I'd agree, the vax does represent the mark if we look at the beast as being a ever present word system, that all must bow down to. The study that I am presenting is not from a futurist interpretation, it is from a ever present idealist or spiritual interpretation. The mark being any tradition, that stiffels the truth. 666 numerically equals a word, a spiritual concept, a mark on the forehead(mind) or right hand(action). The essay is one of 244 essays on the book of Revelation, it is the life work of Preston Eby, the index can be found here:
Here is a link to how 666=tradition numerically. The number of the beast is any tradition that keeps people from the truth. Another word for tradition is doctrine, we have to not let doctrine rule us.
The link:
From the link:
The word “Tradition(s)” occurs 13 times in the King James Version of the New Testament. 13 is often associated with rebellion against God.
Matthew 15:2, 15:3, 15:6; Mark 7:3, 7:5, 7:8, 7:9, 7:13; Galatians 1:14 Colossians 2:8 2 Thessalonians 2:15, 3:6; 1 Peter 1:8
"And is it not true that a man of God walking in the Spirit of the Lord and in the blazing light of heaven’s revelation, independent of all the man-made organizations, creeds, methods, and programs of religious Babylon, WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO LABOR AMONG THE CHURCH SYSTEMS, after the truth for which he stands becomes known, or until he should take their mark upon him by joining himself to them? And if he holds meetings in the community, the members of the churches are often warned by their leaders against “buying” — receiving — from this ministry because of his not having the mark or name of the beast. Their ministers are specially marked, for they come trained out of their theological seminaries with the stamp of their respective doctrine and traditions upon them and a license from the sect to engage in its ministry; and those not thus marked or designated HAVE NO PLACE AMONG THEM! Even if there is not much difference in their beliefs and practices, still, a Methodist minister cannot pastor a Baptist Church, nor can an Anglican priest say mass at the Roman Catholic Church! You must bear their mark! Whether a man is a man of God with a heaven-sent message matters nothing at all — you must bear the mark! Some of the Lord’s people bring a few of the old concepts and ways over into this kingdom walk, keeping just enough of it alive so that it enables them to still buy and sell with the folks in the religious systems. Then some of us are just radical enough to make a clean sweep of it all! This also reveals the manner in which the beast causes those who will not worship the image to be killed — an analogous killing; namely, an ecclesiastical cutting off, an excommunication or a repudiation — the absolute refusal to either “buy” or “sell” the things of God with you unless you take upon you THEIR MARK!"
"Elaine Cook related in one of her writings how John Bunyon, author of Pilgrim’s Progress, was jailed for many years for refusing to obtain a “license” to preach. He refused to take the mark or pay homage to the image of the beastly systems of man, so he was forbidden to deal out the truth and people were kept from obtaining it from him!"
“Buy of me gold” means to pay the price for the divine nature of our Father to be brought forth in our lives! “Tried in the fire” means that His nature has become an experiential reality within us through the processings of God. It speaks of an intimate, direct encounter with God that causes all that is contrary to His nature to be consumed by the all-consuming fire of His Spirit, resulting in our transformation into the likeness of Christ. Our Lord has called upon His elect, the overcoming sons of God, to buy of Him this gold tried in the fire, that we may be rich! Now there’s a “prosperity message” worth preaching! Now we know what the true riches are! The riches of which He speaks are not the riches of the world, either of money, material things, or of stature, position, fame, or self-glory. All those things are mere tinsel that the baby Christians seek after, the earth dwellers, who mind earthly things, and who worship the beast and his image! The riches of this world corrupt the spiritual man and prevent a manifestation of the true Life of God. The gold that we are to buy of Him represents a life that has been tried and tested, even as gold is refined, to bring forth the qualities of the Christ-life within all who are His called and chosen ones. The gold of which our Lord speaks is symbolic of the divine nature and the divine life of those who put on the Lord Jesus Christ. The gold of the realm of the spirit represents the spiritual riches of the saints, for Christ said that we should buy this gold tried in the fire, “that thou mayest be rich.” Therefore gold represents our true wealth! Jesus pointed out to the multitude gathered at His teaching, “A man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things that he possesseth” (Lk. 12:15). Oh, how men seek after things! The man, however who lives and walks in the attributes of God is a rich man indeed! And he has paid a price to obtain his true wealth!"