So your post got stickied and you didn't like it? Why are you complaining? Being stickied is usually the best way to get the discussion you say you want. I guess I missed this post so I can't contribute to evaluating the comment.
It never actually got stickied. Im complaining because a mod called a member a piece of shit for opening a discussion. He then encouraged others to attack that member for no apparent reason and with no context.
That is absolutely not acceptable. We're not reddit, we're not twitter.
As I read that, he insinuated that a shill would get what he asked for, and that is pretty vague. I do agree that "shill" is too often used without precision.
Like the title states, this is not okay. We're supposed to be a community that supports each other and are open to discussion. Otherwise we are no better than twitter.
Catsfive gave this response to a post i created about kushner receiving a 2 billion dollar investment from the saudi prince.
No discussion, no questions, just straight to insults. Not only was he insulting, but he was encouraging others to attack me as well. How is this guy allowed to be a part of our community, let a lone a mod?
The other mods refuse to discuss this kind of behavior. Is this a site admin that i could bring this up to?
Catsfive is that you? Sad that anyone would defend that kind of behavior. We're supposed to stick together and be a beacon for open discussion. We're not twitter or reddit. We're better than that.
Thats what im talking about. What about the kushner deal is so touchy around here? You guys really are making it seem like there is an agenda or a narrative that you have to protect.
Mods attacking members IS reddit behavior. Aer you trying to turn this place into reddit?
Proof that it was stickied? I spent a lot of time on here during those days and it was never stickied.
He didnt allow for open discussion because i was banned immediately after posting my part 2 of that series.
How can you possibly defend his behavior? That is insane and so are you. Not one part of what happened is okay or acceptable.
What is your actual defense for a mod calling a member a "shill piece of shit" for wanting a discussion?
You cant defend, you havent even tried. All you are doing is attacking me with insults, projection, and blame switching. Im sure you're probably his alt account, but this is disgusting by both of you.
Because the "reddit fag" is an ego maniac who stickies everyone of his own posts and openly attacks members for no reason whatsoever. Even encourages other members to attack people he doesnt agree with. That is insane. That is actually insane and so is whoever defends that kind of behavior.
You are defending reddit behavior while "blame switching" that same behavior.
Reddit is a shithole who cares about that place. Lets not turn this place into reddit. Youre sitting here trying to be the thought police, telling me i need to appeal to egos and biases. That i need to change my wrong think or else i cant have an open discussion.
You support a mod that attacks his community members without context and encourages other to attack members as well?
All i did was try to open discussion about something that seemed like a pretty big deal and was attacked for it. Is there a agenda being pushed here that im not aware of? Why was that topic deemed off limits?
Mods attacking members IS reddit behavior. Aer you trying to turn this place into reddit?
Again why do i need to appeal to egos or biases? Thats not open discussion. You are trying to dictate how and why i can have open discussion. How do you not see a problem with that?
The kushner story at the time was the #1 news story across all outlets. Yet not a peep on this site.
So i asked why it was being ignored? Thats a legitimate question. It was the #2 top searched google search that day. It was trending on twitter. But im the only one to even mention it.
But again, i dont need to appeal to your ego or biases. If you think trump or kushner are god and can do no wrong then you need to reexamine your life. Because youre no different than a biden voter. There are some very scandalous things happening close to trump and his family. We should be able to discuss those happenings without being called a pos by the site mods.
Im sorry that you are so poorly educated that you fall for mindless nonsense. But those drugs saved a lot of lives. Regardless of what you read online.
"Not everything you read online is true" - Abraham Lincoln
So your post got stickied and you didn't like it? Why are you complaining? Being stickied is usually the best way to get the discussion you say you want. I guess I missed this post so I can't contribute to evaluating the comment.
It never actually got stickied. Im complaining because a mod called a member a piece of shit for opening a discussion. He then encouraged others to attack that member for no apparent reason and with no context.
That is absolutely not acceptable. We're not reddit, we're not twitter.
As I read that, he insinuated that a shill would get what he asked for, and that is pretty vague. I do agree that "shill" is too often used without precision.
Like the title states, this is not okay. We're supposed to be a community that supports each other and are open to discussion. Otherwise we are no better than twitter.
Catsfive gave this response to a post i created about kushner receiving a 2 billion dollar investment from the saudi prince.
No discussion, no questions, just straight to insults. Not only was he insulting, but he was encouraging others to attack me as well. How is this guy allowed to be a part of our community, let a lone a mod?
The other mods refuse to discuss this kind of behavior. Is this a site admin that i could bring this up to?
Pos isnt? Why would a mod call someone a piece of shit because they want to discuss kushner's 2 billion dollar investment? That is not ok.
Catsfive is that you? Sad that anyone would defend that kind of behavior. We're supposed to stick together and be a beacon for open discussion. We're not twitter or reddit. We're better than that.
First of all, it wasnt actually stickied. Secondly, I was banned for three days because of that post. Still think that was ok?
And wtf, i should be thankful that i wasnt banned for wanting a discussion? How communist of you.
Thats what im talking about. What about the kushner deal is so touchy around here? You guys really are making it seem like there is an agenda or a narrative that you have to protect.
Mods attacking members IS reddit behavior. Aer you trying to turn this place into reddit?
Proof that it was stickied? I spent a lot of time on here during those days and it was never stickied.
He didnt allow for open discussion because i was banned immediately after posting my part 2 of that series.
How can you possibly defend his behavior? That is insane and so are you. Not one part of what happened is okay or acceptable.
What is your actual defense for a mod calling a member a "shill piece of shit" for wanting a discussion?
You cant defend, you havent even tried. All you are doing is attacking me with insults, projection, and blame switching. Im sure you're probably his alt account, but this is disgusting by both of you.
removal reason: take it up with mods via modmail.
Is there an email for the site admin?
no, is the modmail.
Ok thank you, but ive tried that. I was banned for dissing the mods the last time i tried to get help with an issue like this.
Is the admin of this site not available? That seems strange in itself.
Because the "reddit fag" is an ego maniac who stickies everyone of his own posts and openly attacks members for no reason whatsoever. Even encourages other members to attack people he doesnt agree with. That is insane. That is actually insane and so is whoever defends that kind of behavior.
You are defending reddit behavior while "blame switching" that same behavior.
Reddit is a shithole who cares about that place. Lets not turn this place into reddit. Youre sitting here trying to be the thought police, telling me i need to appeal to egos and biases. That i need to change my wrong think or else i cant have an open discussion.
You support a mod that attacks his community members without context and encourages other to attack members as well?
All i did was try to open discussion about something that seemed like a pretty big deal and was attacked for it. Is there a agenda being pushed here that im not aware of? Why was that topic deemed off limits?
Mods attacking members IS reddit behavior. Aer you trying to turn this place into reddit?
Again why do i need to appeal to egos or biases? Thats not open discussion. You are trying to dictate how and why i can have open discussion. How do you not see a problem with that?
The kushner story at the time was the #1 news story across all outlets. Yet not a peep on this site.
So i asked why it was being ignored? Thats a legitimate question. It was the #2 top searched google search that day. It was trending on twitter. But im the only one to even mention it.
But again, i dont need to appeal to your ego or biases. If you think trump or kushner are god and can do no wrong then you need to reexamine your life. Because youre no different than a biden voter. There are some very scandalous things happening close to trump and his family. We should be able to discuss those happenings without being called a pos by the site mods.
Im sorry that you are so poorly educated that you fall for mindless nonsense. But those drugs saved a lot of lives. Regardless of what you read online.
"Not everything you read online is true" - Abraham Lincoln