posted ago by KAYDEE123 ago by KAYDEE123 +19 / -0

"The documentary produced by Michael Moore and Jeff Gibbs displays what many on the right already knew very long, but are now happy to see that it is finally also recognized by some liberals on the left and that is the scam that is called renewable energy, in particular solar and wind (how unreliable, unsustainable and underperforming they are), but even worse perhaps is the biomass energy for which trees are actually cut and burned (with emissions as consequence). Many corporations and business charlatans such as Al Gore are exposed of profiting from these practices at the expense of nature and selling this snake oil to environmentalist and activists as solution against climate change, nothing could be further from the truth. This documentary is such an important eye opener for everyone, especially environmentalists who still religiously believe in green energy and "green new deals"." https://www.bitchute.com/video/jA3cGLirW9Qp/