Ohhhhhh! She must have a lot of stink to cover over there. Can’t talk on the phone or video conference because it could all get intercepted and exposed. This looks bad. Really bad.
........ 'your fight is a fight for everyone in the deep state who is raping and pillaging the American tax payers via the money laundered through the Ukraine.'
She’s checking on her money that’s laundered in Ukrainian.
Thought she was diagnosed with Covid recently
She is so full of shit...she is over there doing clean up and keeping the game going....evil witch....
Thought she was recently diagnosed with Covid
Ohhhhhh! She must have a lot of stink to cover over there. Can’t talk on the phone or video conference because it could all get intercepted and exposed. This looks bad. Really bad.
she missed off the end of her sentence .....
........ 'your fight is a fight for everyone in the deep state who is raping and pillaging the American tax payers via the money laundered through the Ukraine.'
I hope she and schitt-head fail in their attempt to keep their secrets hidden.
Ukes go through the motions but amongst themselves they call her 'dried bones'.