It seems that all these plant fires are large or involved in commercial growing. The most recent in from Saturday was a soybean manufacturer that makes feed for chickens if I’m understanding correctly.
It’s deft odd but I’m leaning towards the belief that the bad guys are destroying evidence of some type.
I think they’re scared we will find out what they’re putting in our food/ or what they’re putting in commercial meat feed/chicken feed/, etc etc.
These aren’t small processing plants from my understanding.
Just a thought? There’s def fuckery afoot.
The fires are a white hat operation to take out all of the big processing plants where they are putting the poisons in our highly processed, simulated "food." This is a top-down war on the food-industrial complex.
When all the big food giants have been disabled, there will be a massive revival of local farming, farmers' markets, and organic, healthy food. Actually, it's already starting.
The problem with local farmers markets is the cost. Everything is easily 3x the price at the super market.
That’s not necessarily true. The farmers markets where I live are for the most part cheaper that the grocery stores. As an example, heirloom tomatoes at the farmers markets are $4 a pound but $6 at the grocery stores.
I generally get frozen vegetables because it fits well with the way I cook. Fresh green beans at the farmers market worked out to be $8 a pound for mediocre at best beans. The frozen ones were better and about a quarter of the price.