Pro-Life Churches Roman Catholic 44,600 54,580 59,180 +14,580 ( +32%) Mormon Church 2,320 3,520 5,850 +3,530 (+152%) Fundamentalist Churches 1,777 3,440 4,340 +2,563 (+144%) Assemblies of God (Pent.) 980 1,709 2,625 +1,645 (+168%) Islam 1,500 3,820 6,935 +5,435 (+362%) Southern Baptist 9,700 12,100 15,885 +6,185 ( +64%) Jehovah's Witnesses 250 645 765 +515 (+206%) Lutheran (Missouri Synod) 2,200 2,445 2,775 +575 ( +26%) Other pro-life churches 17,073 24,429 29,861 +12,788 ( +75%) ALL PRO-LIFE ______________________________________________ CHURCHES 80,400 106,688 128,216 +47,816 (+59%)
Pro-Abortion Churches United Methodist 11,100 11,212 7,500 -3,600 (-32%) United Presbyterian 3,300 3,456 2,177 -1,123 (-34%) Episcopalian 3,400 2,827 2,460 -940 (-28%) United Church of Christ 2,100 1,710 1,560 -540 (-26%) Other pro-abort churches 12,550 10,913 13,102 +552 ( +4%) ALL PRO-ABORTION________________________________________ CHURCHES 32,450 30,118 26,799 -5,650 (-17%)
It’s funny, I spent most of my life without any religion, yet even then have known a lot more of what those pro life churches are all about.
While the bottom list I have never really known until my awakening. Like they don’t want to be known?
Jesus said many would know His name and know Him not. He didn't say a few. This is only one issue, there are others. No matter the denomination there is wheat and their I chaff, and the same goes for non-denominational.
Both sides of their mouths.
God has told me not to attend any church services, I didn't heed his word until he made it very obvious to me that he meant it.
Islam is not a church.
Interesting, thanks for the share.