Yep, which means so is Siena, Italy which is associated with the Racine Dominicans and Jacobs ladder
While I was looking up the coordinates of Whitewater a few minutes ago, I noticed one of the nearby places was "Woodstock", Illinois (which is located 66 km northwest of Chicago).
I looked up where the Woodstock concerts were held, and they were held in Bethel New York 41°41′N, where the Son of Sam attended camp as a kid. Bethel just came up yesterday when we were talking about Enoch and the Poleshift and the 42 lads from Bethel who were attacked by a bear. The author believed Bethel was a metaphor for the center of the galaxy
“The oldest known pentagrams appeared in ancient Sumer approximately 5,500 years ago.“
Look at what this article says about the Nefer Seba hieroglyph. It's no surprise that a five pointed star represented the watery underworld of Duat because the pythagorean pentagram contains the bond dipole of the water molecule encoded inside of it:
Yep, which means so is Siena, Italy which is associated with the Racine Dominicans and Jacobs ladder
While I was looking up the coordinates of Whitewater a few minutes ago, I noticed one of the nearby places was "Woodstock", Illinois (which is located 66 km northwest of Chicago).
I looked up where the Woodstock concerts were held, and they were held in Bethel New York 41°41′N, where the Son of Sam attended camp as a kid. Bethel just came up yesterday when we were talking about Enoch and the Poleshift and the 42 lads from Bethel who were attacked by a bear. The author believed Bethel was a metaphor for the center of the galaxy
/u/TrustTheTruth u/Blue-collar745 u/BTFO
Is absolutely everything we see a ritual of some sort? Even Harambe looks like a ritual now.
Harambee Park, Boston Massachusetts: 42.2927° N
Harambee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: 43.0711°N
/u/ThetruthSpreadsinNY They just killed another gorilla at the same zoo Harambe was at, this time with a Covid vaccine.
Look at what this article says about the Nefer Seba hieroglyph. It's no surprise that a five pointed star represented the watery underworld of Duat because the pythagorean pentagram contains the bond dipole of the water molecule encoded inside of it:
It can't be a coincidence that when this shape is divided by Phi (the golden ratio) you get a drawing of the Great Pyramid of Giza.