(I deleted this post to make a different one, but decided to repost it for purposes of discussion. I'm gonna write a substack post fleshing out more of my thoughts on it.)
Q said that if the full truth were revealed all at once, 99% of people would go to the hospital.
Have you guys thought about what kind of truth could be so absolutely gobsmacking as to induce such a response?
Everyrhin is a lie..... All of it. Hence the 99 percent
Yes ... religion a lie medicine a lie climate change a lie...the whole works
I love the smartass way you put it. You are such a smart guy. Knower of all things.
Well ...wrong again...I am a woman.....you have to admit all you think you know or believe is a lie before you can start learning... something you have yet to do
You must be reatcting to the wrong person. I said we were between ice ages. 99 percent leads me to believe tthat the lie is way more than any of us could imagine. Think about it 99 percent if true its not just a few lies, its everything. In my humble opinion, maam. Sheeesh