We Need More Cameras.
We need cameras in the classrooms, nursing homes, hospitals, etc...
My wife worked in a Nursing Home and what goes on is shame, abuse, neglect, and murder. I hope I never end up in one, but if I do, I will definitely have my own camera running.
I always suspected my mother was beaten by her caretakers in a nursing home. No evidence but they always belted her into a wheel chair but she supposedly fell out of it and bruised herself up. When she passed three caretakers came running in and gave a show about caring. Life isn't respected anymore.
Cameras at ALL voting locations- lots of them too, and with 24/7 public viewing access.
I was just thinking about this. I swear if I found out this crap was going on in my kids school I would send them with a hidden mic and camera.
yeah its really messed up what goes on in nursing homes...even worse during the pandemic....
I thought video and audio taken without a persons knowledge couldn't be used in court? Hence why places with CCTV have signs up saying CCTV is in use.
I suppose at the very least you could put it up on the internet for social justice.
Recording Audio is Illegal, video is not...
oh okay. That must be why CCTV is often video only.