This obviously isn’t urgent but if anybody has time to help me find this, I’d appreciate it.
It’s an interview from around the time Trump was elected/being elected, and this guy with sunglasses and a backwards hat is just flawlessly dropping redpills.
He’s on the street, being interviewed by a woman, I believe it’s RSBN or OANN or a similar organization….
The gentleman drops some classic one liners one after the other, says something about Hunter Biden going down to Alabama and impregnating a stripper, tells the journalist “If you didn’t have a mask I’d kiss you,” and other greatness.
Hate to ask but my searching skills aren’t cutting it. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I’d love you for it.
Yep, this is it. What a freaking legend!
Pat yourself on the back, two, maybe even THREE times, because you’re the shit.
Thank you, haha. I offer my sincere appreciation.
I can't wait to see it .. I definitely missed that one ! People on here are great someone will find/have it !
See u/Ang77 parent reply. :]
It’s hilarious, I’ll definitely update you if a pede here comes through. Much respect to the diggers and autists here and on other boards.
I hope it's found !
I appreciate you effort! Hahah, and also glad to know someone else appreciates it too.
What are you looking for? My search skills are pretty good, I know to archive things I deem relevant but this didn’t register to me like that, which I of course now regret lol.
But let me know if you want, and maybe I can try to help you like you’ve tried to help me!
The last link I had (again not archived, I deserve the shame lol), started with q17 dot ca /vid/ncswic in the url. This link was posted here, for what it’s worth.
Edit: Forgot to state that the aforementioned link is, of course, now defunct