There’s a lot happening all at once right now. Content from last week is as irrelevant as if was from 10 years ago. Lots of content being shared here, and for good/obvious reasons! Though, I feel like we can do better with stickies some days.
What do you guys want to see more of?? More Q analysis? More Data deep dives? More Habbenings? More general/breaking news? Health/wellness content?? Other??
If you see content which you think is sticky worthy, the EASIEST way for us to notice it is if you deport it as other and write in that you think this is good sticky material. IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE YOUR POST EITHER.
Let us know. We are working VERY hard behind the scenes to get you all the latest habbeining and KEK content without dooming or over memeing.
More stickies about God and Jesus and prayer. They are the reason we even have this site. Big change starts with God and prayer. You guys do an amazing job though. Keep up the good work. I pray for u guys DAILY.
Come to think of it, do we even have a good or prayer flair??
There is a scripture flair. That's the closest one. I think prayer or something God related would be an awesome new flair idea!!! We need more God. It's the only way forward. Coming together through prayer is very very important
Consider it done. I’ll work on one
Thank you so much. This is awesome. I'm very happy 😁😁😁👍 God bless u fren
Y’all are the best.
I would definitely go for more Bible discussion, I think that text is very similar to the Q drops (lots of coded messages and information).
I agree. So we do have c/christianity where you can ask or talk about all those type of discussion. There are alot of amazing people over there if you wanna check it out. God bless u
Prayer us not the reason we have this site Q said PRAY, but prayer is a deeply private, personal thing. That said, we definitely want to praise God for all the good things he is doing to wake people up. But, we are NOT going to allow the site to devolve into the "PRAY-TRIOT" circus it became a couple years ago. We are absolutely not going down that road again.
All Bible posts must stay on Q, pls.
So I 100% agree. I dont want it to become a prayer site or a bible site. I fully understand the purpose is to bring Q related stuff out. Which is why I have been trying to organize and bring it out in a way that doeznt take over. Prayer and unity go hand in hand. We are all fighting a spirtual battle. All the effort and work the ANONS do is taxing. Which is why prayer is so important. Both as individuals and as a group. The more we give God the credit he deserves the more we are gonna be able to rise up and help others. If we bring this stuff out in a controlled organized way, alot of good can come from it. As always though you know I got love and respect for you and will work with what ever framework you allow. Just my 2 cents. God bless you catz we appreciate all you do here to lead us.
Thank you for your support and understanding. You're one of our hardest working frogs.