posted ago by DemonDMT ago by DemonDMT +29 / -0

Say that W.H.O. does get complete control over pandemic response during the next hoaxdemic, and U.N. thugs start pulling unvaccinated Americans out of their houses and taping people's doors shut (like they're doing in China), how will real Americans react to these foreigners coming here and doing this crap to us? I honestly don't think it will happen, unless the corrupt federal government goes completely apeshit on all guns and starts to crackdown on the 2nd amendment. They're already trying to crack down on free speech with Biden's Ministry of Truth bullshit. I cant for the life of me imagine the U.N. rolling up and blocking every American city, going door to door fucking with us.. unless they are heavily armed and the feds just step in and help them. I think the feds will just say "our hands our tied, we can't do anything" when the New World Order really goes down.