“Eight different surveys” is key here. It wasn’t eight scientic studies. Asking randos in a survey whether the vax is effective or harmful is not real scientific data. It’s opinion. Using those opinions to then conclude more people have died from the shot than the virus is pure conjecture.
Pretty certain at this point this guy is also controlled op. At this point in the game I'm starting to think the vaccine dangers are being overblown by all these CIA actors like Malone and McCullough.
Why push so hard on something so convoluted and hard to prove like vaccine injuries?
When its really really really easy to prove no virus of any kind has ever existed.
“Eight different surveys” is key here. It wasn’t eight scientic studies. Asking randos in a survey whether the vax is effective or harmful is not real scientific data. It’s opinion. Using those opinions to then conclude more people have died from the shot than the virus is pure conjecture.
Pretty certain at this point this guy is also controlled op. At this point in the game I'm starting to think the vaccine dangers are being overblown by all these CIA actors like Malone and McCullough.
Why push so hard on something so convoluted and hard to prove like vaccine injuries?
When its really really really easy to prove no virus of any kind has ever existed.