I'm reading a book right now about the severe and debilitating effects of Vitamin B12 deficiency. It's everything from weakness, a lack of agreeableness, and irritability, to full on dementia and paralysis.
The only way (truly) to get enough B12 in one's diet is to either eat meat products, or to consume very specific foods such as nutritional yeast (still an animal product if you think about it... bacteria are a "creature") or to take supplements.
However, for all the talk about vegetarianism and veganism, NOBODY is talking about the importance of supplementing B12.
The demented states of "soy boys" and other types of people, and the very angry, entitled mentalities that are associated with vegans might have a biological cause... severe B12 deficiency.
In short, they need to break down our minds to make us dumb enough to believe all the shit they say and try to make us do. This, along with flouride to kill the soul and calcify the pineal gland, and vitamin D deficiency to weaken the immune system, seem to be causing a lot of issues...
I was searching up ways to combat all the estrogen Ive consumed over my lifetime... Found this (50 Ways to boost Testosterone Naturally) in my inquiries.
Has a wealth of information, used studies to back up their claims. Some things I'm skeptical on, but that's some of my discernment at work. Might be something you'd like to check out.