Yall wanna give the groomers guns!!??!?!? One minute teachers are the underarm of society. The next you want to arm them around your kids?!?! These teachers are more fucked up in the head than anyone else. Have we forgotten Libs of Tiktok already?!
Source: I work amongst them.
I do understand where you are coming from. Too many of the teachers in the school systems are commies and groomers. But there are good teachers out there. I like some of the alternative options below, retired vets and such. I do believe that having schools be "gun free zones" are a part of the problem. Criminals don't follow the laws and law-abiding citizens are put at risk because of asinine laws. Another part of the problem is we have a serious issue with mental illness in this country and we have ignored it for too long. We don't value life the same way. Kids aren't growing up with good role models. Too much time spent in the virtual world and not in the real world. Too many people on anti-depressants. Let's really find out why these people are so disconnected from society. Obviously I have seen alot of proof on this site that shows these teens are being targeted and I am not trying to argue that but lets have a meaningful convo on what we can do. Taking guns away from good people don't stop bad people and to say otherwise is retarded.