posted ago by TNBanjoMan ago by TNBanjoMan +18 / -0

From the outstanding "Stand Up America".... http://www.standupamericaus.org/

As many people know, the World Economic Forum (WEF) held their annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland this week. Last year's meeting was canceled due to COVID-19. As a result, they needed to make up for lost time, especially if the world is going to end in ten or twelve years.

This was an exercise in globalist elites sticking their collective noses in every other country's business (chiefs looking for Indians). The corrupt nations that were all for it just want to see what they can get for free, while countries like the United States have people wondering what it is going to cost us.

What they concentrated on was:

  1. Ukraine pleading for more money, arms, and protecting Zelensky's bankroll (In three short years he's worth over $500 million).

  2. Pushing global solidarity by having unelected elites dictating to you how to live. No more real or personal property, no more personal transportation, all digital currency (end of privacy), end of the family unit, all children belong to the state, no more single-family homes, living only in designated areas, no more eating meat, only synthetic substitutes. No more religion as we know it. Only a universal religion acceptable to the state.

  3. They are convinced they can solve every global crisis, food, medicine (Pfizer will supply vaccines to 1.2 billion people without profit), energy shortages, flood, wildfires, etc.

  4. Technology (their god) is the answer to all our problems. Researching their answers leads us to a world of total surveillance, micro-chipping, and dependance on technology, redefining what it is to be human. How's that for a mind-bender?

The globalists are determined to not let the current crises (that they created) go to waste. Klaus Schwab of the WEF said at the meeting...“The future is not just happening; the future is built by us, by a powerful community, as you here in this room... We must prepare for an angrier world." Angry? Try taking away people's homes and possessions, then you will know what angry is. Who gave these people any authority to have power over us?

"Resetting the world isn’t something you can pull off by just pushing a button. It requires a series of well-designed global crises", as Schwab and his chief advisor Yuval Noah Harari have said on more than one occasion. I would expect more crises of every kind, violence, disease, possibly war. They are determined to bring the world to its knees until we give in to their demands.

They are very dedicated and determined to not fix every human problem, but to protect their status using technology and turning the planet into one giant prison with the elites as the prison guards. All for the greater good.

And that, in a nutshell, is their vision of the New World Order. Oh, by the way, they say you will be happy...being totally dependent on them for everything. They, of course will give up nothing.