When hearing about Sussman, just remember...
✅ - TRUTH - ✅
Sun Tsu's Art of War
Step 1 - Engage target in a battle that doesnt matter
Step 2 - Loose battle but only just.
Step 3 - Enemy believes they are winning (We are here)
Step 4 - Begin Endgame of the real battle and win
Enough of me dooming but legit question, how exactly is this going to wake up normies when they continue to see us “lose”? (maybe we are losing, maybe we’re winning behind the scenes?) Me personally I’m just along for the ride.
Better question: why are we waiting for them to wake up? If the military is the only way, we already know it, and are in complete control, why in the fuck are we still waiting on people that are just refusing to ever wake up? We’re in control or we aren’t. Years upon years, more than half a decade, of waiting for people to “wake up.” Trump on the escalator was, what, seven years ago now?
And why would we need to introduce this evidence into the record now? He was given freedom to pretty much prosecute whoever he wanted. Prosecute the bitch for what she did and introduce the evidence in her trial. Why do you need to introduce it in the Sussman trial? In anyone who thinks we needed to do this, this way, we didn’t. That’s absolutely false.
You don’t need to lose a trial to set up a victory in another trial. In fact, that actually hurts us. Badly.