Revelation 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
It's good news! It's the gospel that wins!
Much more winning in the larger study:
Awesome! It's a buetiful thing, to love and know you are loved by God!
"Now — the key to it all will be the gospel of the ages sent in power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost to that vast network of men who rule over and control the whole world of nominal religionists and carnal Christians. As we shall see later in our studies of the Revelation, the most severe dealings of God shall come upon this entire class of men of every denomination and group to break them, purge them, refine them, purify them, change and transform them into living epistles of Christ. Don’t think for one moment that it can’t happen — when the manifest sons of God are revealed upon mount Zion, that is the very next issue on God’s agenda! Most of these clerical men are honest and sincere, with all their heart and soul they desire to serve God, and they do so in the manner in which the system has instructed them. They have a zeal to do God’s work, but without knowledge. But manifest the sons and you can transform the church leaders! Transform the leaders and you bless, liberate, and make spiritually alive untold millions of the Lord’s people everywhere — in fact, all one billion of them! Set one billion Christians on fire for God, ablaze with truth, grace, glory, and power, and you can sweep the nations into the kingdom of God! Oh, yes! Our God has a plan!"
"The very first action of the sons of God will be to deliver all of God’s people from the bondage of religious Babylon! You see, my beloved, the precise order of God’s great restorative work is clearly delineated in the visions of the book of Revelation! In chapters one through fourteen we see the internal work of God in His called and chosen elect, the processing, maturing, and transformation which results in the birthing of the manchild and his catching up unto God and to His throne. This manchild is viewed again as the 144,000 with the Lamb upon mount Zion. Then at once we see the beginning of his ministry and his rule, as the “angel flying in the midst of heaven” is given the gospel of the ages to proclaim with a loud voice — that is, in great authority and power — and this word issues from the sons of God unto the leaders of the carnal church systems of man!"
"In chapter sixteen of the Revelation we view the internal purging and purification of God’s people — not the elect, but of the vast multitudes of Christians in the denominational systems of every nation under heaven. It will be a most wonderful and thrilling story when we get to it! In chapters seventeen and eighteen we are shown the final destruction and annihilation of the entire world-wide system of Babylon, not the people, but the system. Then in chapters nineteen and twenty in transfixed wonder John beholds the ultimate perfection of the bride of Christ, the transcendent glory of the city of God, and the illuminating rule of the Lamb and His wife, restoring the nations and all people and all things back into God again."
"It is my deep conviction that the hour of the deliverance of God’s people and the manifestation of His glory, majesty, wisdom, and power upon them is nigh at hand. The King is coming! Hallelujah! He is coming in mighty spirit-power to set His people free, to burst asunder the chains of their captivity, that they in turn may deliver creation. Once the church is cleansed from her idols and defilement, she will be in a position to bring deliverance to a sin-sick and judgment-weary world, when “the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea” (Isa. 11:9). Only when Christ’s church is cleansed from her idols can she ever hope to be a light unto all nations."
Let us quote from Isaiah 25:6-7, and we read from the New English Bible. “On this mountain (mount Zion, the mount of sonship) the Lord of hosts will prepare a banquet of rich fare for ALL THE PEOPLES, a banquet of wines well matured and richest fare, well-matured vines strained clear. On this mountain the Lord will swallow up that veil that shrouds ALL peoples, the pall thrown over the nations: He will swallow up death forever. Then the Lord God will wipe away the tears FROM EVERY FACE and remove the reproach of His people from THE WHOLE EARTH. The Lord has spoken.”
They have a zeal to do God’s work, but without knowledge.
That's the pot calling the kettle black ain't it?
New English Bible.
Now I see what the problem is.
Then the Lord God will wipe away the tears FROM EVERY FACE and remove the reproach of His people from THE WHOLE EARTH.
That's nice, but what happened to the thousand Year reign and the rod of iron?
"Most of these clerical men are honest and sincere, with all their heart and soul they desire to serve God, and they do so in the manner in which the system has instructed them."
Doctrinal systems, the system Eby is teaching differs from the system you have been taught. I prefer his system to any other theologian I've read, it differs in that it is an optimistic message, it is a winning message, it is message of hope Romans 8 style. I fully realize it strikes the straditionalist as odd even false, but I find it to be pleasing to the soul, one of my measures of truth.
I agree it sounds wonderful, but you have to throw out half the Bible to arrive at it.
It's just a doctrinal change, it's not throwing away any of the Bible, it's choosing a doctrine the best fits the Word of God. If something looks like a faulty doctrine, I put it in the questionable category, a lot of Bible interpretations stay in the questionable category until the Spirit of truth gives me light.
"The very first ministry of the sons of God will not be to empty the hospitals and bars and prisons and hell-holes of this world — their first ministry is that of the three angels sent forth to deliver the Lord’s people from the spirit and bondage of Mystery Babylon the Great! Do you suppose, my beloved, that God would empty out the hospitals and bars and prisons and hell-holes before He empties out the church houses of the apostate religious systems? No way! Judgment begins at the house of God! The bride must make herself ready. Jerusalem must be made a praise in the earth before the nations can walk in the light of the city. Oh, the wonder of it!"
"I must speak very frankly, my friends. The next move of God, the manifestation of the sons of God, will not come through those who are waiting for a rapture to whisk them away to the skies. Nor will it come through those who suppose that the next thing on God’s agenda is the world-wide rule of the antichrist. It will come through people who are crying out from the depths of their spirits, “Oh God, visit us afresh. Do a new thing! We need YOU! Creation groans for a mighty deliverance! Come, Lord Jesus, move through us on a higher order, a higher dimension of your power and glory! Come to your temple in fullness. Come in the manifestation of your sonship. Come! that we might behold you as you are and be changed into your image, clothed with your life and immortality. The whole earth is waiting with bated breath for the glory of the Lord to be revealed. Come! and cause righteousness and praise and incorruption to spring forth before all nations!”
“I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth is come, He will guide you into all truth…and He will SHOW YOU THINGS TO COME” (Jn. 16:12-13).
"We think we have seen some wonderful moves of God, and we have, but we haven’t even scratched the surface, we haven’t seen anything yet that faintly resembles the glorious things God will do in the days that lie before us. With all its multiplied missionary programs and evangelistic efforts the church has not yet even started on world evangelism. God is laying a groundwork and teaching, processing, qualifying, equipping, and empowering His people for the coming invasion of all the church systems and of the whole world. He must do something unprecedented for us first, so that we will be ready. Let us not deceive ourselves, we don’t have all that we need for this great work, but God is quickening us for it. He is stripping away our dependence upon money, education, status, recognition, methods, promotions, and materials, drawing us to move out of that and into HIS REALM. The realm of God is the realm of Spirit. It is the realm of Being. God is teaching us the ways of His Spirit, and we must be endowed with the absolute fullness of His Spirit, which is the sevenfold spirit of sonship."