Naomi Wolf, a lifelong strong liberal, has embraced the 2nd Amendment. In a Substack essay she does a grammatical analysis of its wording and original intent, and she praises its wisdom. She now sees the need for firearms for the defense of self and others, and for the defense of individual rights against government usurpation.
This is quite astounding. We are watching in real time the erosion of longstanding political alignments, as people on both sides wake up to the reality of the present danger. The New World Order is entering its end game in taking over the lives of everyone on the planet, and is dangerously close to success. This is not merely “meet your new boss, same as your old boss”, it is a magnitudes-worse shift in the values, attitudes, and way of life, even to changing the literal DNA of the human race.
And so we see unlikely players, such as Wolf, RFK Jr, Dore, Straka, et. al. suddenly sounding more like conservatives than many who have worn that label for years. They are showing extraordinary courage, because in doing so they are alienating much of their support base, a base known for its vicious cancellation of anyone who disagrees on any point. But they see the truth and they see the dire threat against the nation and the world.
If Naomi Wolf can see the common sense of letting people arm themselves to protect against criminals and those who would abuse power, then anyone can see it once their indoctrinated blinders are taken off.
I suppose things had to get as bad as they are in order for people to wake up. That’s happening, thankfully, and not a moment too soon.
First of all, there is no such thing as "reasonable restrictions". There is infringement, period.
Secondly, she seems to be victim to the falsehood that the 2nd Amendment is meant to give us our right to bear arms. That is simply not the case. The only purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to remind government that it is prohibited from infringing on the preexisting right, as conferred upon us by our Creator.
She is correct about the "Emergency Powers" that are often cited by our tyrannical government.
"Emergency does not create power. Emergency does not increase granted power or remove or diminish the restrictions imposed upon power granted or reserved. The Constitution was adopted in a period of grave emergency. Its grants of power to the federal government and its limitations of the power of the States were determined in the light of emergency, and they are not altered by emergency." ~ Justice Charles Evans Hughes (1862-1948) Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Home Building & Loan Assn v. Blairsdell, 1934
All in all, a good article. I hope she learns to fully understand the purpose of the 2nd Amendment as she continues in her journey of self-education.
When I taught special education, I had a few students on the Aspergers end of the autistic spectrum: highly intelligent, but unable to sympathize or empathize, and due to messed-up neurologies, they were constantly in a state of agitation. One was a psychopath and another was a sociopath. Ages were 10 and 11. Neither could control their anger. What do you think of their right to bear arms? Also, would their age matter? I think society can agree on reasonable limits on the right to bear arms, just as we can agree that certain individuals must be deprived of their liberty and be incarcerated so that the rest of us can live freely. There is an element of justice here. The trouble is that we have lost our way in our culture, have perverted justice for too long, and forsaken wisdom. The vast, vast majority should not have their rights infringed, but that means that some others must.
Very well said, and I agree. The irony is that Biden is right, the bill of rights is not absolute, it must be applied. But of course he has an agenda. The problem today is that any capitulation on rights will be used by the other side to open a torrent of restrictions. Give them an inch and they will take a mile. And so we are forced to take a hard line. We have to proceed very carefully with regard to new restrictions, and let interpretation of current law deal with the exceptions to the general rule.
The country cannot continue with this radical lack of trust. "A house divided cannot stand." But there is hope. If Ms. Wolf can wake up, anyone can.