So, in the past six months I've lost nearly every doctor that I see:
Allergy Doctor moved across the country and put another doctor in charge of his (private) practice but will still see patients via Zoom-style meetings. He's over 3,400 miles away, but still maintains the office. Weird, huh?
Doctor #2 suddenly moved to Chicago because his wife wanted to move there. No offense to Chicagoans, but who would want to move there right now?
Doctor #3 (PCP) is giving up his long-time practice out of the blue to work with drug addiction patients.
I just called to make an appointment with my eye doctor and I was told he is "on extended medical leave."
Is anyone else experiencing this bizarre trend? Are doctors "getting out of Dodge" before the SHTF or experiencing side effects from the jabs?
I’ll be your eye Dr!
It’s an interesting time in medicine because more and more people becoming awake and there’s only so much time till the brainwashed drs/nurses are far outnumbered by awake patients.
Went to get a Covid test to go to bahamas and the NP asked me to put a mask on and I said “no, I’d rather not” and she lectured me and told me that she’d rather not let me in the exam room then for her safety. Then it’s fun to subtly drop that fact I am a doctor and she’s a nurse lol. Then it’s really interesting when I tell them how many people I know that have died or been injured from the shots they give people and make sure they know I hope someday everyone still giving shots with todays blatant evidence has a possibility of being charged as an accomplice/attempt to murder or something extreme.
Man, I'd love to be a bug on the wall when you did this. It would be comedy gold! LOL!
I'm not a doctor, but I've had my fair share of fun with doctors. I can shoot them down with the facts so fast it makes their heads spin. They're afraid to see me coming now. I think I've scared a few of them, too, as they will quickly change the subject when they see I know what I'm talking about. It's fun to have a battle of wits with unarmed people. 😂
Its false to think that docs are smart, some are, but many just book smart to pass exams
I went to school during the pandemic and it was interesting how many students fell for this nonsense as we were just taught in microbio that coronavirus was a common cold