That's just the start,you need a beat up one for your junk drawer in the garage,another crappy one to leave in the truck,in case it gets stolen. You also need several differnt shotguns for different game.
I would never leave a gun in my car/truck unless I was going to hunt that very day. That's how that illegal shot that family in Texas a few days ago. Dummy left a AR15 in his truck and an illegal stole it and shot them all.
That's just the start,you need a beat up one for your junk drawer in the garage,another crappy one to leave in the truck,in case it gets stolen. You also need several differnt shotguns for different game.
You can't get to 50 with little effort.
And that's why I have 38 guns.
I'm never more than 4 steps from a gun in my house. Oh, and I have 7 shotguns. You know, for different 'game'.
Wow you win! 😂 that’s 31 more than me.
7 guns is what I take to a buddy's house to go shooting. 😆
The issue with so many guns is what do you buy next? And where do you put it? I tell folks I don't have a gun problem, I have a gun storage problem!
Lol Would like that problem, I’m thinking a few more lr’s is where I’m starting.
Yep, and the safe is too heavy for the truck and really difficult to load without renting a forklift!
I'm guessing 50,but I don't really know..... I also built some furniture with hidden compartments.
The correct answer is ‘just one more’.
And fortunately my wife agrees. And she’s Canadian!
I have a spread-sheet of every gun I ever owned. 46 total, 38 current.
I do have an inventory sheet,but it's not numbered,and I've lent/given several guns to my brothers just so they can defend themselves.
I would never leave a gun in my car/truck unless I was going to hunt that very day. That's how that illegal shot that family in Texas a few days ago. Dummy left a AR15 in his truck and an illegal stole it and shot them all.
It depnds,I leave my vehicle in my locked garage. And leave a gun their,so I don't forget it.
That's why you have a cheep truck gun.