posted ago by AwakeJesusisComing21 ago by AwakeJesusisComing21 +272 / -0

Well, I finally had to break down and come to hospital. I am on oxygen and I was struggling big time, I could barely function. I need to try and use the words no thank you and move on because they were pushing the mask on me. I said no when I first entered the ER as they watched me struggle breathing. Then they took me for a CT of my heart where they wanted me to wear a mask. I said I am here because I can't breathe. They said it is a rule. I said who's rule because you cannot infringe upon my right to breathe. It shut them up. Then I refused the covid test and had a talk with the doc about that. I said i do not have covid nor the flu. I am not getting swabbed, you will not vaccinate me, vent me or administer remdesivire. Then the lady came in my room to give me an echo and said since we are in such close contact would you mind wearing a mask for about 30 minutes, I said yes I would mind, I am not wearing one. Good grief, these people.