All, my friend in NH is a former Army Ranger who was diagnosed with MS about 15 -20 years ago. His once frenetic pace has been slowed to what a casual observer might view as normal. On a recent visit to CA, I got to see it firsthand. Even getting in and out of a golf cart taxed him. It pains me to see this so I've been trying to help him in much the same way we try to 'red pill' those that are asleep. It's out way of my lane, so I'm trying to awaken him somewhat passively.
The way the world is currently run is simple: The bankers will ensure that we stay in debt. Big Pharma will ensure that we stay sick. Weapons manufacturers will ensure that we keep going to war. The media will ensure that we are prevented from knowing the truth. And the government will ensure all of this is done legally. Knowing this, I've been doing research into the variety of health advice that's offered on this site. As the cause of MS is still unknown and there is no cure, an emerging body of evidence points to a causal link between parasitic infestations and multiple sclerosis. This makes me wonder if Ivermectin might help his cause, along with a regimen of D3, C, zinc, quercetin, K2 and turmeric.
Has anyone had success or known about a successful treatment program that has shown promise for MS outside the reach of Big Pharma?
Thanks for your time.
I think it’s unlikely ivermectin would help, even if you’re right about the parasite.
Even if the initial cause was a parasitic infection, MS is damage to the insulation of the nerve fibers, which basically keeps them from working (as it would with any wire). Nerve damage is notoriously difficult to fix and usually can’t be fixed, even if the initial cause of the damage is long gone.
An anti-parasitic medication can’t repair damaged nerves, and it is unlikely that a parasite has been living and causing progressive nerve damage for over a decade without producing more obvious signs of infection or the parasite being destroyed by the immune response.
Not only is it a anti-parasitic, its also an anti-inflammatory. One study
Study Identifies IVM as Potential Candidate to Promote Remyelination for MS
Another form of oxygen therapy is doing the 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide protocol. By drinking you can help rid your body of toxins promoting an oxygen rich alkaline environment. Here is some good info
Also check out Ozone Therapy Maybe there is a clinic near his location that offers these services.
Dietary changes should be first on the list as already mentioned. Eat as if your garden was your grocery store. No processed foods, no refined sugars. A good reference is Dr Tom Cowan. Good video here:
He has some good books out as well. Research him.
Ok I hope this helps. It will need to be a combination of things, not just one magic pill.