Revelation 14:9-10 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb
"The third angel’s message is directed toward those in Babylon who remain unaffected by God’s dealings with the leaders and ministers, and unmoved by the moving of His Spirit among the people. It is a warning of the righteous judgments of the Lord to come upon the incorrigible in Babylon for their correction. Nearly all Bible teachers and believers through the ages have supposed that this message of the third angel somehow constitutes God’s “final warning” to all the sinners of the world concerning their eternal doom in the fires of hell and damnation. But such is far from the truth! Each of the three angels’ messages is sent to the sinners among God’s people, not the sinners of the world! The entire book of Revelation is directed to the churches, to show unto His servants the things that must come to pass through God’s dealings with His people. This “wrath” of God, this “indignation” of the Lord, this “torment with fire and brimstone,” this “smoke” that ascends bespeaks the judgments of God upon Babylon and the “fiery purgings” sent to cleanse and purify all His people who have been contaminated with the abominations of the religious systems of man! That is the mystery."
Much more in the link:
Each of the three angels’ messages is sent to the sinners among God’s people, not the sinners of the world!
I'm not sure where he's getting this from, it's pure conjecture. Christ's Work on the cross is finished and salvation is a one time atonement of your sins, believing on Him seals you unto the day of redemption. If you don't believe on Him, you are eternally rejected and separated from God.
That is the misconception of the book of Revelation that everyone has, that it is about the end of the world. It is the unveiling of Jesus Christ, how he is made known to and in His people. It is God's dealing with His people, the world in no way can understand the book, it's not written to scare the carnal world, it's written to show how Jesus Christ works the carnality out of the Christian. The wrath or passion is not on the unsaved population, it is on the soul of the Christian, to bring about the righteousness of Christ in the Christian, a calling out of Babylon(confusion), it is a book of God’s love for His people, by revealing Jesus Christ in His bride........we are the bride of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 9 KJV 20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: 21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
It pretty much explains itself, does it not?
Not at all. If you read it carnaly and not with a spiritual interpretation it looks like humanity getting killed. Not any of the book is about killing people, it is symbolism for the death of carnality, Adamic man, in us. To really understand the spiritual interpretation, start this study from the first essay.
This study is part of a body of work with 242 essays, probably a couple of decades of work by Preston Eby. I sarted the study a year ago from the first essay. Here is the index:
It is well worth it to start from the beginning and read the whole work. I share it because after 4 decades of Christianity, this is the first study of Revelation that not only made spiritual sense, it also keeps my interest, and it is spiritually reviving.
"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues” (Rev. 18:4)
Her is Babylon, the religious systems that take the place of God. The whole book is written to the people of God about body of Christ, it is not about the worlds destruction except that the world is being destroyed out of the people of God. That is what God’s wrath is directed at throughout the book of Revelation, it is God’s passion for His people.
"But there is a higher walk, an undefiled way, the way of personal union with Christ in the power and glory of the living Spirit, apart from all the outward trappings and traditions of religion. All who find this blessed place have obeyed the command, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues” (Rev. 18:4). Those who have come unto Him without the camp no longer worship the “beast” of man’s carnality and ego, nor the “image” of the beast, the Babylon systems of this world; nor do they any longer feed upon the pronouncements of the “false prophet,” the erroneous and distorted message flowing from the religious systems, nor do they bear that “mark,” that way of thinking, upon their foreheads or in their hands (their service and actions). These have been “beheaded” for the witness of Jesus, severed from their own head, or the carnal mind, and severed from the earthly headships (head-quarters) of the religious systems of man, taking upon them the mind of Christ in and by the anointing within."
Shower Thought Time:
"in" his forehead, not on his forehead. What's in our foreheads? Our pineal gland, said to be a transceiver for our souls to our God.
in the forehead or in your right hand is a metaphor for a persons thoughts and actions. you either have the "mark" an imprint, instincts of a wild animal (beast) in your thoughts and actions or you have the mark of "god" peaceful, loving etc etc.
look at the clear split in people today its either left or right, lgbt+ or straight, spirituallity or atheism or worse.
the mark of the beast is a state of mind, not an actual physical object. (although it could eventually be both)
and yes the pineal gland has to do with it as well.
Jesus: "if thine eye be single, then your whole body will be full of light."
if we have a third eye, how would you make it single? by closing your other 2 eyes. (praying, meditating, other methods) jesus told us to go into our closets and pray. another metaphor, when you are literally out in the sun, you recieve vitamins and nutrients from uv rays, then when you go into a literally dark place your body transfers those vitamins into melatonin and seritonin. where does seritonin come from exactly? the pineal gland.
seratonin is a milky type substance and melatonin is a substance that looks alot like honey. (the land of milk and honey)
so... if you have the "mark of the beast" in you then you have a carnal mind and will be evil continually. if you have the mark of god in you then your body will be full of light. jesus is the sun... of god.
now connect the dots.
I have been trying to clean my pineal by drinking fullers earth infused water, making my own toothpaste and also drinking organic cider vinegar. Have done this for 4 years now but as I am in my 70's there is still a long way to go to complete pineal clearance. 60 years of aluminised flouride is not good at all.
Great observation!
"Just as in verse eight where we read of “the wrath of her fornication,” the Greek word for “wrath” here is thumos meaning, according to Strong’s Concordance, “breathing hard, passion.” Anyone knows that wine inflames the passions. The word does not denote wrath in the conventional sense of rage, violence, vengeance, or judgment, but rather of fever heat or strong passion. It is associated with God’s anger, and men of passion can certainly be angry, but anger is not the same as rage, for even in a punitive way passion may be expressed in terms of love, as when a parent is moved with passion and stirred toaction to sternly discipline a misbehaving child. So it is clear that God’s “wrath,” as revealed in the book of Revelation, has to do with passion, or feeling very strongly about something. Thus God’s disobedient children, who ignore or resist the wooing of His Spirit, are made to drink of the “wine of the passion of God.” God’s wrath or passion is not that which is vindictive and vengeful, but rather that which is impassioned, fervent, zealous, enlivened, glowing, vigorous, intense, burning, and dynamic."
"May I remind the reader that this beast is the second beast John saw in chapter thirteen of the Revelation, the beast out of the earth, or out of the soulical religious realm of man, for that is the beast which commanded the people to make and pay homage to the image of the first beast. That identifies it as religious Babylon. The worshippers of this beast are those who receive its mark upon the forehead, or so indelibly impressed in their mind until they can only think and understand according to the teachings, doctrines, traditions and promotions of the beast; and receive its mark in the right hand, signifying their works and service on behalf of the beast. Those who are so captivated by this servitude that neither God’s word nor the moving of His Spirit can dislodge them are ripe for the correcting disciplines of God. These judgments are characterized as the wrath of God. What terrifying words! We tremble before them. How can there be any hope, or any escape for an altogether rebellious people from so terrible a thing as the wrath of God!"
"Let us notice, in the first place, that this torment is primarily internal. Every one that at this point in time worships the beast, so the text reads, and receives a mark in his forehead or in his hand, he shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is prepared unmixed in the cup of His anger. It is my deep conviction that these words refer to the spiritual and internal suffering of those who remain in Babylon. The “wine of the wrath of God” is without doubt a figure. The meaning is that these worshippers of the beast shall receive a wine to drink, the spirit, or alcoholic contents, of which is the wrath or the passion of God. Thus it signifies a dealing of God! The wine is from the cup in the hand of the Lord! It is the Lord Himself who gives them to drink! Even as natural wine affects the spirit of man, so shall this wine of the wrath of God affect the worshippers of the beast. Even a child could understand that any “torment” that would come from “drinking” some substance would be a torment within oneself. Is that not true in the natural of people who drink too much alcohol, take drugs, or are poisoned by something ingested? By drinking this “wine” the worshipper of the beast shall receive the wrath of God as a burning fire within his soul, so that this wrath of God burns him from within, in his conscience, in his mind, in his soul, in his emotions; troubling him, leaving him no rest day nor night. It shall be spiritual torment day and night! Even as the greatest joy and the most profound peace springs from union with God in the spirit, so shall the most terrible anguish of spirit result from man’s resistance to the wooings of God’s love and the corrections from His hand."
An aspect of wrath often overlooked is that it is passion. God’s passion for His children drives His correcting actions. God loves you and doesn't want you to fear being left in torment in any manner.