posted ago by SovereignSon ago by SovereignSon +23 / -0

"We now recognize that in this chapter we have spiritual realities set forth in symbol, just as the writer sets forth spiritual realities throughout the entire book of his visions on Patmos. The rarest of gems are never found on the surface of the earth, and the greatest treasures of divine truth are never found openly on the surface of the scriptures. And so is it with our present subject! What a frightening thought on the surface: “…tormented with fire and brimstone…in the presence of the Lamb.” But let us search beneath the surface! The Greek word used here for “tormented” is basanizo which is derived from the word basanos, and Strong’s Concordance states that both words bear principally the same meaning. Basanos is the Greek word for what is commonly known in English as the “touchstone.” It was a gritty black stone from Lydia whose proper usage in olden times was to test or try the genuineness of gold. The pure gold rubbed on the stone would leave a peculiar yellow mark, different to that of other metals or alloys. Today we test gold by acid or fire. Therefore the touchstone acquired a symbolic significance: a test or criterion for determining the quality or the genuineness of a thing; to test for purity or truth. The noted professor of Greek, Dr. Strong, admits it is only by analysis that the thought of torture has been derived from the original. How beautiful the truth, and how different from the distortions of Babylon, when we read the text in this light: “…and he shall be tried and tested with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy messengers, and in the presence of the Lamb.”

Larger study in the link:
