Red pill me on toothpaste
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
So ive just been wanting red pill after red pill, so whats the deal on toothpaste?what is it actually? Links please
Wouldn't we all we better off and really like to live our lives consuming nothing but non-processed foods and using all au naturel products? I believe achieving the latter is much easier.
There are so many useful, effective, and safe everyday products that can be made with a few basic, inexpensive ingredients. But because the subject matter is toothpaste, here's an easy recipe that's cheap, odor-eliminating, and tooth-whitening.
1/2 tsp. baking soda; 1/2 tsp. sea salt (finely ground); 1 drop peppermint, sweet orange clove, or cinnamon bark essential oil; a few drops of water
Combine ingredients in a small bowl and mix thoroughly with a toothbrush until a smooth, thick paste forms. That's it.
The word processed is overused and doesn't specifically make something bad. You can argue that mixing your ingredients is processing them.
That being said I love your recipe.
I'm only calling out that we should have some understanding of what about the processing makes it bad. Like lots of heat treating/solvent extracting processes are bad. Lots of stabilizers are bad.