"It was the false doctrines of the apostate church that caused the meaning eternal be placed upon the Greek phrase “the ages of the ages.” And don’t think for one moment, dear friend, that religion doesn’t influence language! The English word “hell” once meant “a dark hidden place,” and people “helled” their potatoes when they covered them to preserve them through the winter. But church dogma has through the years caused the word to take on an altogether different connotation. Ask any church member, or even an unbeliever, for that matter, what “hell” is and they certainly won’t tell you it’s a dark hidden place for potatoes! Word meanings do change! And religious dogma has effected many such changes!"
"So usage is the fundamental key to unlocking the meanings of ancient Greek words. That the expression “for ages of ages” cannot mean an endless succession of ages, or eternity, is clearly revealed by comparing Revelation 11:15 with I Corinthians 15:24-28. Many, many other passages could be cited also. In Revelation 11:15 our Lord is said, in the Greek text, to reign “for the ages of the ages.” But in I Corinthians 15:24-28 His reign is said to end. He only reigns until, and then He delivers the kingdom up to the Father. So, comparing the two passages, Christ does not reign “for ever and ever” though He does reign “for the ages of the ages.” Therefore, “for the ages of the ages” is a limited, specific time involving ages. It cannot denote eternity! As the Son, God reigns unto the ages of the ages through a process of subjecting, subduing all things unto Himself. When that work is completed and there is nothing more in all God’s vast universe to subdue and reconcile unto Himself, God reigns no longer as the Son, but His indwelling life in all things and all creatures will constitute His government, for God will be ALL IN ALL!"
Larger study in the link:
“Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus” (Rev. 14:12).
"The three most common words heard among believers in time of crisis are: “Lord, do something!” It is completely contrary to our nature as human beings to stand still and do nothing when we face perplexing trials. In fact, waiting patiently for God to act is probably the most difficult thing about the walk of sonship! Can you imagine how Jesus felt for thirty years in Nazareth working in the carpenter shop — waiting for His sonship to be revealed while the world was rushing onward to hell! The Father raised up patience in His life, for even at the last minute, before His glory was shone forth, He said, “Mine hour has not yet come.” Even those with deep dealings of the Lord in their lives sometimes panic when the Lord doesn’t move according to their timetable. We are prone to give God deadlines and time limits. We cry, “Lord, when are you going to do something about this? If you don’t act now, it will be too late!” But I do not hesitate to tell you, my beloved, God is never too late! Mary and Martha found that out when their brother, Lazarus, died and was buried! “Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother would not have died.” “Martha, I AM the resurrection and the life!” He always acts — not according to our schedule, but His."
"The Lord is calling a people unto Himself in this new kingdom day who will truly trust Him for all things. Indeed, He often leads us into situations that are frightening, critical, difficult, in order to teach us His ways. He tests us to reveal in our hearts whether we are able to stand still and see the salvation of God! Every called out one should pray that the Lord will open his eyes and show him the eternal truth of these words of scripture: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delighteth in his way” (Ps. 37:23). The Hebrew word for “ordered” here means “prearranged, step by step, fixed, ordained by God.” This means it is God, not the devil, not some freak accident, not our lack of faith, but God Himself who leads us even in the difficult places. We may cry out, “Lord, why are you allowing this to continue?” But the truth is, not only does He allow our circumstances, He arranges them! And that is hard on the carnal mind!"
"Endlessness is expressed in the scriptures by simple phrases like “no end,” “endless (indissoluble),” “incorruptible,” “immortal,” “perpetual,” etc. Had the Holy Spirit wanted to convey unendingness in reference to man’s torment in the fire and brimstone in the presence of the Lamb, He could have used words that plainly denoted that, rather than words which plainly denote time periods (ages) as “for the age,” “for the ages,” “for the age of the ages,” “for the ages of the ages,” etc."
"One final thought before we pass on to another passage — a strict adherence to the tense of the verb makes our text read, “They have no rest day nor night who are worshipping the beast…” It denotes a continuous action, as long as they persist in worshipping the beast, while the testing of God is upon them, they have no rest day nor night. Their state of agitation, trouble, restlessness, and distress is co-extensive with their continuing to worship the beast. Can we not see by this that just as soon as they repent, take a new mind, turn from their worship of the beast, and yield under the mighty hand of God all the confusion, vexation, and torment is washed away by the quickening stream of HIS LIFE. Isn’t it wonderful!"
"Notice, my beloved, that these are tormented day and night for the ages of the ages, and have no rest day nor night. The very terms day and night and ages show beyond question that we are dealing with the realm of time. There is no day nor night in eternity! Both are creatures of time. There is no way of knowing how long a time this will be, but since it unquestionably speaks of day and night and ages, it does therefore belong to time and no endeavor must be made to equate it with eternity. Ages can be long dispensations covering centuries or millenniums, or ages can transpire within ourselves as we move from one dealing of God to another in our experience. I know brethren who have lived under the age of law, the age of grace, and the age of the kingdom within their own experience during the short span of a few years. I have passed through a number of “ages” within the scope of my experience with God, and I have become a different person, and been related to God in a different way, in each of those ages!"
So now we're trying to say there's no hell?
Certainly misunderstood, and shouldn't be read into this particular text.
If there's a heaven on earth, there's a hell on earth. Changing ones doctrine is hard, we go through hell sometimes, God is teaching us throughout the process.
"The Lord is calling a people unto Himself in this new kingdom day who will truly trust Him for all things. Indeed, He often leads us into situations that are frightening, critical, difficult, in order to teach us His ways. He tests us to reveal in our hearts whether we are able to stand still and see the salvation of God! Every called out one should pray that the Lord will open his eyes and show him the eternal truth of these words of scripture: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delighteth in his way” (Ps. 37:23). The Hebrew word for “ordered” here means “prearranged, step by step, fixed, ordained by God.” This means it is God, not the devil, not some freak accident, not our lack of faith, but God Himself who leads us even in the difficult places. We may cry out, “Lord, why are you allowing this to continue?” But the truth is, not only does He allow our circumstances, He arranges them! And that is hard on the carnal mind!"
If there's a heaven on earth, there's a hell on earth
Hell is not on Earth, it is in the Earth and under the Earth, where unbelievers will be separated from God for eternity. No man has been in hell on Earth. God will chasten or correct you but it is not hell.
"and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:" Revelation 14:11
So then the above text is not talking about your hell doctrine, because the Lamb is there..........now it fits that these that are tormented with fire and brimstone are going through some sort of hell, just not the hell you've been taught.
in the presence of the Lamb:
In the presence of the One Who defeated sin, not the One Who sent Him.
Yes, Jesus is right there with them. It's a wonderful thought, when they turn from their folly to the healer, they will be healed, their torment will cease, just like you and me. That's the good news the "dead in trespasses and sins" need to hear, be reconciled to God!
their torment will cease,
Where does it say this in the scriptures?
It's doted throughout scripture, one of the names of God is God who heals us, "This statement emphatically declares that healing is the will of God, Jehovah-Rapha is His name."
Jesus came to heal the nations, the torment of a soul is of its own construct, keeping the prisoner from turning to Jesus, make no mistake every knee shall bow, all will be healed, again this is the Christian gospel, the good news, Babylon is fallen, that means the doctrines of Babylon are fully meant to keep people in a fallen state, a state of torment, a state that can only be made right by the fire(God teaches with fire) and the blood of Lamb(Jesus gave His life (blood) to heal us)
Luke 4:18-19 King James Version 18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
You don't think these poor, brokenhearted, captives, blind bruised ones are not tomented? Jesus came to rectify that, and his presence is always for the purpose of reconciliation to God, praise God for the fire and the blood.
A lot of people are going through hell. Jesus is with them.
Psalm 139:8 King James Version 8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
God is with us in our heaven and our hell. A biblical study of the word will reveal much, but it's not what the Church has taught mostly, it's not fundimentaliat religion.