I'm not a Q expert, so please help me with this.
Q says military is only option, correct? Based off of reading other posts, the ongoing opinion is that we are waiting for the mass population to "Awaken" to actually how bad it is, because the American people will not accept military takeover and the operations that would need to happen without a better understanding of the level of DOOM we are all facing, correct? A gradual disclosure of truth will be ongoing to help with this "Awakening" process.
During the process of disclosure, you, me, moderators, and everyone else in-between will need to be exposed to the doom awaiting us. Being a human, we will reject this until our internal balance can comes to terms with it. Gradually, we will accept this new level, and the process continues, until we have reached the very pit of doom that would cause what is going on behind our own personal vale of knowing....
Not a single post on this site could be posted on a democrat liberal board without being shunned and kicked off the board as an EVIL DOOMER!!
If I were posting that the evil globalists where going to conduct a fake virus campaign, lock down all our cities, steal the election with 40 million fraudulent votes, and then release a vaccine in an attempt to murder millions, and there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO about it, you would have labeled me a DOOMER... NO?
If your a moderator... How do you really know that what you think is doom today, isn't your own ignorance?
Is it possible that you feel something is Doom because they are speaking at a level of Awakeness that you have not yet arrived at?
didn't ask you that...
does everyone have a difficulty readying on this board?
What doom?
That word has a definition and its not up for your personal interpretation of it. Thats what the fucking liberal democrats do to us ALL the time. Are you a liberal pansy?
definition of doom...
noun Inevitable destruction or ruin. A decision or judgment, especially an official condemnation to a severe penalty. Judgment Day.
False equivalence, straw man and argument from the negative. Hat trick!