21 Q Abbreviations Guide - January 18 2021 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by SelfReliancePepe 2 years ago by SelfReliancePepe +21 / -0 4 comments download share 4 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
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[CCP] Control and Command Positions
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Q Abbreviations Guide - January 18 2021
++ - Rothschild family
+++ - House of Saud
#2 - Andrew McCabe, Former FBI Deputy Director
[] - Kill Box - Target area for coordinated joint weapons fire
/GA/ - Reddit's banned /r/GreatAwakening community
@Jack - Jack Dorsey, co-founder and CEO of Twitter
@Snowden - Edward Snowden
187 - Police code for murder
4,10,20 - DJT, Donald J. Trump
5:5 - Loud and clear
ADM R - Admiral Rogers, Director of NSA
AF1 - Air Force 1, POTUS plane
AG - Attorney General
AJ - Alex Jones, director of Infowars
AL - Al Franken, former Senator of Minnesota
AL-Q - Al-Qaeda militant Sunni Islamic terrorist group
Alice and Wonderland - Hillary Clinton and the Bloody Saudi Arabia
AM/#2 - Andrew McCabe, former FBI Deputy Director
ANON - Anonymous
Antifa - Anti-Fascist, Soros backed domestic terrorists
ARM - Anti-Trump Resistance Movement
AS - Adam Schiff also Antonin Scalia
As the World Turns - Possibly indicates a failed assassination attempt on POTUS
ATL - Atlanta, state capital of Georgia
AUS - Australia
AW - Anthony Weiner, former Democratic congressman and convicted sex offender
BC - Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States
BDT - Bangladesh currency also Blunt Direct Time
BHO/HUSSEIN/Renegade - Barack Obama, Renegade (traitor) was his USSS codename
BIS - Bank of International Settlements
BM/Bob - Robert Mueller, Special Counsel for the Russian collusion investigation
BO - Barack Obama also Board Owner and Bruce Ohr
BOD - Board of Directors
BP - Border Patrol or Bill Priestap, attorney and intellegence official
BS - Bernie Sanders or perhaps Brenda Snipes
BUZZF - BuzzFeed
C-INFO - Classified information
CA - California or Canada
Castle - The White House
CC - Command and Control or Chelsea Clinton
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
CF - Clinton Foundation
CFR - Council on Foreign Relations
CHAI - Clinton Health Access Initiative
CLAS - Congressional actions or legislators
Clowns/Clowns In America/C-A - CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
CM - CodeMonkey, 8chan Administrator
CoC - Chain of Command
COMMS - Communications
COS - Chief of Staff
CP - Carter Page, former foreign-policy adviser to nominee Donald Trump
CQ - Chongqing, city in southwestern China
CS - Chuck Schumer also Christopher Steele, Crowd Strike and Civil Service
CTR - Correct The Record, David Brock founded super PAC
D5 - Rating code for largest snow avalanche. May also refer to chess board position.
DAG - Deputy Attorney General
DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DC - District of Columbia
DEFCON - US Armed Forces defense readiness condition
DET - Detachment
DJT/POTUS - Donald J. Trump, President Of The United States
DM - Denis McDonough, White House Chief of Staff for Obama's second term
DNC - Democratic National Committee
DNI - Director of National Intelligence
DOD - Department of Defense
DOE - Department of Energy
DOJ/D-J - Department of Justice
DOPEY - Alwaleed bin Talal, member of the Saudi royal family
D's - Democrats
DS - Deep State
DWS - Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Rep. for Florida's 23rd congressional district
E - Eminem, American rapper, songwriter, record producer and actor
EBS - Emergency Broadcast System
EG - Evergreen - Secret Service codename for Hillary Clinton
EH - Eric Holder, 82nd Attorney General of the United States from 2009 to 2015
EITS - Enterprise Information Technology Services
EM - Elon Musk, lead designer of SpaceX and CEO of Tesla, Inc
EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse
EMS - Emergency Messaging System also Emergency Medical Services
EO - Executive Order
ES - Eric Schmidt also Edward Snowden
EU - European Union
F - Foreign
F&F - Fast and Furious (Feinstein's failed gun sale attempt)
F2F - Face-to-Face
FB - Facebook
FBI/F-I - Federal Bureau of Investigation
FED - Federal Reserve also Federal
FF - False flag
FISA - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
FLYNN - Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor to President Trump
FOIA - Freedom of Information Act
FVEY/Five Eyes - Intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, NZ, UK and USA
G-2 - Military intelligence staff of a unit in the United States Army
GCHQ - Government Communications Headquarters, British intelligence organization
GEOTUS - God Emperor of the United States, President Trump
GER - Germany
GITMO - Guantanamo Bay Naval Base military prison and detention camp
GOOG - Google
GS/GEORGE - George Soros, billionaire globalist political activist
GSA - General Services Administration
GJ - Grand jury
GZ - Ground zero
H - Haiti also Hollywood
HA/Huma - Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's personal aide
HAM - Amateur radio service
HEC - United States House Committee on Ethics
HI - Hawaii
HK - Hong Kong
HKG - Hong Kong International Airport
HRC - Hillary Rodham Clinton, 67th United States Secretary of State
HS - Homeland Security
HUMA - Harvard University Muslim Alumni
HW/W-Wood - Hollywood
IBOR - Internet Bill of Rights
IC - Intelligence Community
ICE - Immigration and Customs Enforcement
ICIG - Intelligence Community Inspector General, Michael K. Atkinson
ID/IDEN - Identification
IG/OIG - Office of Inspector General also Instagram
IRS - Internal Revenue Service
ISIS - Islamic State of Iraq and Syria also Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
JA - Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks
JACK - Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter
JB - John Brennan, Former CIA Director
JC - James Clapper (Former DNI Director) also James Comey (Former FBI Director)
JFK - John Kennedy, former President of the USA before being assassinated in 1963
JK - John Kerry also Jared Kushner
JL - John Legend
JOHNNY - John Conyers, US Representative for Michigan
JP - John Podesta, chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign
JPC - John P. Carlin, former U.S. Assistant Attorney General
JS - John Solomon, executive and editor-in-chief at The Washington Times
KKK - Ku Klux Klan
KM - Karen Mills, 23rd Administrator of the Small Business Administration
L - Lynn Rothschild, ugh she's a Rothschild
LARP - Live Action Role Play(er)
LdR - Lord De Rothschild or perhaps Lynn Forester de Rothschild
LL - Loretta Lynch, 83rd Attorney General of the United States
LP - Lisa Page, former FBI lawyer
LV - Las Vegas
MA - Michael Avenatti, American attorney and entrepreneur
MAGA - Make America Great Again
MB - Muslim Brotherhood, Sunni Islamist organization widely recognized as terrorists
MAY - Theresa May, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
MH - Melissa Hodgman, Director U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
MI - Military Intelligence
MI6 - United Kingdom foreign intelligence service
MIL - Military
ML - Martial Law
MM - Media Matters also Million
MO - Michelle Obama
MOAB - Mother Of All Bombs or Mother Of All Booms
MOS - Mossad is the national intelligence agency of Israel.
MP - Mike Pompeo, United States Secretary of State
MS-13 - Latino drug cartel
MSM - Mainstream media
MW - Maxine Waters, Representative for California's 43rd congressional district
MX - Mexico
MZ - Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder and CEO of Facebook
NAT SEC - National Security
NG/NAT G - National Guard
NGO - Non-Governmental Organisation
NK/NORK/NOK - North Korea
NO - Nellie Ohr, wife of Bruce Ohr
No Name/We Don't Say His Name/John M/SID - John Sidney McCain
NP - Non-Profit also Nancy Pelosi
NSA - National Security Agency
NWO - New World Order
NYT - New York Times, American newspaper
NXIVM - Sex trafficking cult
OANN - One America News Network
OIG/IG - Office of Inspector General, often referring to corruption reports
OO - Oval Office, working office of the POTUS in the West Wing of the White House
OP - Original poster also Operation(s)
P - House of Payseur, head of the 13 Zionist Illuminati families
P_PERS - President Trump's Personal message to us
PAC - Political action committee
PDB - Presidential daily briefing
PEOC - Presidential Emergency Operations Center
PG - Pizzagate/pedogate
PL - Presidential library
PM - Prime Minister
POS - Piece of shit
POTUS - President of the United States
POV - Point of view
PP - Planned Parenthood
PR - Paul Ryan, former Speaker of the House
PRISM - Allows NSA and FBI direct access to data from Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc.
PS - Peter Strzok, former FBI agent
PVG - Shanghai Pudong International Airport
Q+ - Possibly represents President Trump
R - Renegade (traitor) was Barack Obama's USSS codename
R's - Republicans
RBG - Ruth Bader Ginsburg, former Supreme Court Justice
RC - Ray (Rachel) Chandler also Registered Charity
RE - Rahm Emanuel, Democrat Mayor of Chicago
RED RED - Red Cross
RNC - Republican National Committee
RM - Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton's 2016 Campaign Manager
ROTH - Rothschild
RR - Rod Rosenstein (Deputy Attorney General) also Ronald Reagan
RT - Real time
RYAN - Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House
SA - Saudi Arabia
SAP - Special Access Programs
SAT - Satellite
SC - Supreme Court also Special Council
SCIF - Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
SD - State Department
SEC - Security also Secure
SESSIONS - Jeff Sessions, former Attorney General
SH - Steve Huffman, CEO of Reddit
SIGINT - Signals Intelligence
SIS - United Kingdom Secret Intelligence Service also Signal Intelligence Service
SK - South Korea
SOTU - State of the Union
SP - Samantha Power, United States Ambassador to the United Nations 2013 - 2017
SR - Susan Rice also Seth Rich
SS - Secret Service
ST - Seal Team (eg. Seal Team 6)
SURV - Surveillance
SY - Sally Yates, Acting United States Attorney General 20 - 27 January 2017
TBA - To be announced
TG - Trey Gowdy, Representative for South Carolina's 4th congressional district
TSA - Transportation Security Administration
TM - Team
TP - Tony Podesta
TT - Trump Tower also Tarmac Tapes
U1 - Uranium One, mining company involved in Hillary Clinton bribery scandal
UBL - Osama Bin Laden, founder of al-Qaeda
UIO - Mariscal Sucre International Airport
UK - United Kingdom
UN - United Nations
US - United States
USMC - United States Marine Corps
USSS - United States Secret Service
VIP - Very important person
VJ - Valerie Jarret, former Senior Advisor to President Obama
WaPo - The Washington Post, major American daily newspaper
WH - White House
WL - Wikileaks
WMD - Weapon of mass destruction
WRWY - We are with you
WW - Worldwide or World War
WWG1WGA - Where we go one we go all
Xi - Xi Jinping, Dictator of China